Chapter 5

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Rachael's POV
"Hey" I say walking Bell's room. "Hey" she said quietly. She was focused on her thoughts. "You know Edward hasn't been in the entire week" she said frustrated. "Bell.." I began. "I know. I know you said stay away. I just find it suspicious" she said. "Honestly it's probably nothing Jasper said he was visiting family it seems normal" I lied. I knew it must be a vampire thing but if I encourage her curiosity she'll go looking for trouble. "You talked to Jasper." She said surprised. "It's just Jess said they don't really make friends with anyone." She said. causing me to scrunched my face in slight disgust. "Yea we are just studying together. I would never be friends with someone like him" I laughed at the end on my sentence. "Like what?" She questioned. Shit now I have to think of a lie. "A-a freak everyone says so" I said feeling a little bad for saying that but I couldn't think of another lie. " I didn't think you was the type of person to judge someone based on what other people say" she said in disappointment. "I'm not I just I- your right that was unfair" I said. "Why are you so scared of them" Bella said. I was stunned I didn't know how to respond. "I don't know" I lied. "Why do you wanna confront Edward so much?" I question trying to take the topic off me. "I don't know" she responded back. "Here enough about them.let's watch something on the tv I brought so much chocolate and it's not going to eat itself" I joked. "Yea" she quietly laughed back"

The weekend was over it's it was back to school I spent the whole weekend with Bella and Apart from the few conversation's we had about Edward we had a lot of fun. We even opened up to each other more.I talked about my grams and she talked about her mum it was nice I never really had I friend I could just talk to like that. I walk into the class room and see Jasper looking up at me with a half smile. "Hello" he greeted as a sat down next to him. "I-I really enjoy studying with you last week" he said .I just did I forced smile in response. "Did you have a nice weekend" he said which I just nodded looking down at my book. "Did you go to a party" he said obviously trying to continue the conversation. "No" I sighed. "I just assumed that's what most girls do on the weekend" he said. "Did you go steady wit"- he began "definitely not" I almost laughed out . "I just assumed pretty g-girl" he stuttered obviously nervous. "You think I'm pretty" I looked up. It's not like I get many compliments like that from guys. most guys atomically look over those things. I couldn't help but smile at it. Which he obviously noticed because his half smile grew. I quickly shock it off. "I just had a sleepover with a friend" I responded looking back down at my book. "Bella Swan correct" he said I just nodded.the lesson carried on like that jasper making small conversation and me trying to brush him off .I then quietly felt a breeze it was coming from jasper. I turn to face him.

Jasper's POV
As the lesson went on I kept try to get to know her.I couldn't figure out why I just felt this strange need seemed like a complete failure so far. But then she turned to face me. I almost thought she was going to say something but she just had a blank stare. She then reached over and put her hand on my arm. I was expecting that warm feeling and it started off warm but then it quickly got hotter and hotter until it was a burning pain in my arm. I winced always from her. She then snapped out of whatever trance she was in. "I'm so sorry" she said before the bell rang and she quickly rushed off. I didn't know how to respond still confused on what just happened. "What are you" I whisper under my breath.

Rachael's PoV
As I quickly walked down the halls still not able the get the vision out of my head. "It was Jasper killing countless people including me this must be some witch warning I just know it. I then see Bella at her looker looking rather upset with what looked like a onion in her hand only golden. "Are you ok" she questioned noticing me. "I should ask you the same thing" I responded. "No it's just Edward he-" "he's back!" I yelled cutting her off and drawing a slight attention. "Yea and he seemed a lot nicer to" she said "I think I need to use the toilet I'll meet you at the truck". I said because rushing away. as I was in the empty toilets I quickly splashed water on my face. "Why is this happening" all I could think of is why. Why can't my life just go back to normal instead of dealing with all of this crazy.

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