3 - Burrow

44 20 10

You turn around and come to face
A hole in the ground beside a tree
You come closer to have a gaze
A burrow - a den of crawling insects
You know each one of them
Crawling around on your skin
Like a disease on a tree's stem
Reaping the benefits, making you sick
Such is the lifestyle of parasites

Crunch - even the sounds they make
As you crush them beneath your boots
Causes your ears to bleed in ache
And you look down - a red hue
On the ground and around your boots
Parasites - even their blood clings to you

Having wasted enough time
You climb your way out of the burrow
And as you glance back at the den-
A withered tree, enshrouded in complete
Darkness like a black hole in space
Where no light can escape from
Not even the light that guided you home.

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