15 - Spring

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"Look at you, all grown up"
It has been a few years
"Your petals aren't battered anymore"
Yes, time has healed them
"Your stems are strong again
No more broken branches"
I've been eating properly again
Bathed under the sunlight
"Not a trace of any toxin"
I finally listened to you
Finally followed your advice
"You persevered"
It was hard work
"You've set them free.
I was right,
You did bloom the brightest"
You were right, always have been
"Ah, I wish I could hug you"
It's too late,
Because I ignored you
How could I have been so blind?
"It's not your fault
It never was"
I never should have doubted you
I should've stayed by your side
"Enjoy the fruits of your labour
Live the life you've fought for
No one's controlling you anymore"
I don't deserve it
I don't want it
I just want you back
"You'll see me again,
But not for a long time.
Maybe next time,
In another life..."

My eyes opened.
The cold spring breeze tore me away
From following them for good.
Hundreds of pink petals surrounded me
Allowed inside by a carefree window
Freely dancing around my room
Swinging along the gentle breeze.
A single, bright, yellow flower
Flew through the window
Like a shooting star,
Burning through the empty space
But instead of joining the dance,
It landed on my forehead,
Just for a fleeting moment,
Planting a small flower kiss.
My eyes closed, and I held it in
This time, however, I smiled,
"I'll see you, next time."

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