Chapter Twenty

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Draco's POV

For a few minutes we walked in silence then when he'd seen we were going to the broom shack he looked up at me confused.

"Where are we going?" He asked when I didn't say anything.

" You'll see" I said with a smile on my face. "But you'll need your broom." I finished as we got to the shack.

Once we had our brooms we walked toward the Dark Forest. At the entrance we mounted our brooms and pushed off the ground.

" Follow me if you can, Potter." I said with a smile on my face and shot forward. I looked back to make sure he was following only to find him right on my tail with a huge smile on his face and his eyes shining like stars. For a moment I couldn't take my eyes off him. When he saw me staring his smile widened which snapped me out of my trance and I smiled back at him before looking forward and looking for the entrance for the meadow. It only took a minute or two to find what I was looking for.

After a few more minutes of flying, I slow down and land then turn to see if he followed me. Once he lands beside me and dismounts his broom I grab it from him and stash both of them into a hidden hole in the side of a tree. After making sure the brooms are safe and secure I turn to Harry with a smile on my face.

"Before we go any farther you'll have to close your eyes." I tell him before he can turn around and see what is behind him. Once he closed his eyes I turned him around and grabbed onto his hands to pull him forward.

"Are you ready?" I ask once I have him where he can see the whole view that is in front of him. When he nods his head I tell him to open his eyes. When he does, the only thing that comes out of his mouth is a gasp.

Harry's POV

When Draco told me to open my eyes, I was not expecting the sight that greeted me. We were standing in the most beautiful place I had ever seen. In front of us was a meadow covered in colorful wild flowers with cherry blossom trees scattered throughout the meadow in small bunches of threes or fours. Off to one side of the meadow was a beautiful small pond with a little pile of rock creating a waterfall. Every once in a while a bright colorful fish leaps out of the water into the air before disappearing under the surface of the water again. I must have been quiet for longer then I thought because when he spoke again there was a slight hint of worry in his voice.

"Do you like it?" he asked and before I could answer, "If you don't we can go somewhere else."

When I turned to look at him, he was looking down fidgeting with his hands in front of him. The sight of him made me smile and giggle a little because I'd never seen him so nervous before but it was one of the cutest things I had ever seen. At the sound of my giggle though his face fell even more making me feel bad and wanting to ease his mind. I walked closer to him and lifted his face up so he was looking at me before I replied.

"It's absolutely beautiful and I would like to stay here" I answered him to which his eyes lit up and his face broke into a gorgeous smile causing my smile to widen along with his. Once I know he's happy again I pull him toward the closest cluster of trees, sit down and start talking about everything we can think of. At some point while talking I had ended up laying down with my head in his lap. It didn't really dawn on me until we had stopped talking and he was playing with my hair while looking out at the meadow looking a bit dazed like he was lost in thought. Worried that he didn't want my head in his lap, I sat up which pulled his attention back to me.

"Are you alright, Harry?" he asked looking a little worried himself. I smiled at him and answered, "of course. I just realized my head was in your lap and got worried it was bothering you."

I was looking down at my hands playing with them when I answered him so I didn't see his smile until I looked up because he was laughing at me a little bit. When he'd seen my face he stopped laughing but his smile was still there. He grabbed my hands and pulled me back to him before he started talking.

"I'm sorry, Harry. I didn't mean to laugh. You just looked to cute like that. Of course I didn't mind your head in my lap. I was actually liking that you got that comfortable with me to even do it even if it was while you were talking and didn't even notice at first. You could never bother me, so don't worry, alright?" he finished while cupping my face. I nodded but that this point I was to focused on his lips to really hear what he had just said. I think he realized it because in the next moment we were kissing.

I was a little shocked at first but after a minute I was over the shock and fully gave into the kiss. I felt his hand cupping my face which gave me the confidence to push my fingers into his hair to feel it was a lot softer then it looked. We must of had the same idea because we both started laying down at the same time. At first we were laying on our sides facing each other then he was on top of me as the kiss deepened even further. We stayed like that for a little bit longer before we had to breath. When we pulled away from each other, we didn't pull away very far, just far enough to put our foreheads together. After a moment, he seemed to realize what just happened. His eyes widened and he pulled back and looked extremely worried.

"Harry, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that" he said in a hurry. "Please don't be mad. I know you wanted to..." he was talking so fast that I couldn't get a word in so I did the only thing I could think of that would get him to stop. I kissed him again. When I was sure he wouldn't start speed talking again I pulled away and started talking.

"I'm not mad, I promise. I wanted to kiss you. That's why I was looking at your lips. I was just to scared to do it myself for the first time. If I didn't want to kiss, I would have pulled away." I said while cupping his face. He smiled at me, nodded his head in understanding, then closed his eyes and tilted his head deeper into my hand. With a small smile on my lips, I gave him another brief kiss.

When we pulled apart for a second time we decided it was time to head back to the castle for dinner. Once there, we gave each other another small kiss, said goodbye for now and went to our respective dorms to hang out with our friends until it was time for dinner.


Hello my little dumplings. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry it took me so long but I'm going to try to update as much as I can within the next couple of months because after July I will not be able to update as often because I will have had my first baby. Thank you for sticking with me and reading my story. Until next time my dumplings, don't forget to Comment and Vote.

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