Chapter Fourteen

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Please read the author note at the bottom. Important!!!!
Draco's POV

I can't believe it, he's actually going to give me a chance. I was thinking about what to do for our first date when I heard someone yell my name.


At first I thought I was imagining things then I heard it again.


I turned toward the sound of the shout. Running at me was my dear friend Pansy.

"Oh, hey Pansy, what's up?" I asked after she caught up to me.

" I heard what happened. Are you ok?" She asked me.

"I'm fine. To be honest I was more worried about my mate than myself. I know my wolf can protect me" I answered.

"Who is your mate?" She asked with a face I couldn't read.

"Let's find Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle first so I can tell you all at once" I said. After she nodded her agreement we started walking to our dorm room.

It wasn't hard to find them as they were already in the Common Room sitting by the fire. Blaise and Crabbe where in a game of wizard's chess with Blaise winning.

"Hey guys, can I talk to you in my room? I have some news" I said after Pansy and I reached them. They looked up at us and nodded before putting the game away. After that was done we went to my room to talk.

"What did you need to talk about?" Asked Goyle.

"I went through my shift today during class" I started off a little nervous about telling them who my mate is.

"But I thought you had a few more days before shifting? What happened?" Blaise asked.

I was getting even more nervous now. I was scared they wouldn't be my friends after finding out who my mate was.

"Well, during Potions with the Gryffindors, a wolf shifter came into the school. Snape knew what was happening before we did and was about to put up a shield when McGonagall and her class came in. She told us what was happening then Snape asked her to help him put up a protective shield. But before they could put it up a giant white wolf came crashing through the door. My wolf sensed my mate was in the room and pushed his way out" I explained not giving up who my mate was just yet.

"I was able to fight off the wolf before it hurt my mate or anyone else and without getting hurt" I said more for Pansy's sake then the guys.

"That explains why he pushed your shift. But who is your mate? You didn't say?" Crabbe said when I was done.

I looked down nervous they were going to walk away the minute they find out who my mate was.

"Draco?" Pansy said when I didn't say anything. When I looked up at them I was very certain they could see the fear in my eyes.

So with a very much needed deep breath I answered, "Harry Potter."
Hello my pretties, sorry for the very late update. I was in the process of trying to get a new job last month and now I have that job😊
But I would like to announce that I will be making this book a mpreg for everyone that said yes. I tried to make this chapter a little longer than the last couple ones. Hope you liked it.
Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts. Thanks You 😊😊

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