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"You two seem to be the most sensible of the group," "That's because we're the oldest," Five explained. "Technically we're older than you right now," The bartender placed a bottle of liquor on the bar for the man to drink. "Cognac?" Y/n and Five glanced at each other. "Just a smidge," Reginald began to pour glasses of the alcohol for the couple.

"The other night you quoted Homer at me. Why?" Five explained how the billionaire would make them recite the Greek literature until they memorized it fully in his youth. "And you," He said looking at Y/n. "You said you're not one of my adopted children, but you're with people like you. How?" Y/n glanced at Five then turned to the man. "Well me and him met during a shoot-out, he noticed I had powers, so he made me tag along with him." Y/n smiled reminiscing on her first encounter with Five. Reginald nodded and took in all the information the two teens gave him. The three drank their alcoholic beverage. "This work ends in Five days if we don't get out of the timeline," "Worlds end, Paleozoic, Jurassic, and so on," Reginald responded not understanding the full picture. "No, this can be prevented. We can do something about this one," Y/n said as she put her glass down on the bar. "Ah, man's greatest flaw. The illusion of control,"

"I need your help. All right? You're my last sane option. Otherwise, I gotta make a deal that I really don't wanna make," Five explained. The boy continued to ask his father figure what he knew about time travel. Not in theory, but in practice. "What transpired you when you tried traveling before?" "I botched it?" Reginald questioned further wanting to know the mistake of the boy. five explained everything that happened. How he jumped too far back and got stuck, how he was able to come back but was stuck in a younger version of himself, and now. How he jumped too far backward whilst bringing his family with him. "Maybe that's the problem. Maybe your appetite is disproportionate to the size of your abilities," Reginald said. "Start small. Seconds, not decades," Five and Y/n were confused. How were seconds going to stop the end of the world? "So much can change in a matter of seconds," The man started. "One could overthrow an empire, one could fall in love," He said as he glanced at Y/n. "An acorn doesn't become an oak overnight," Five knew where the man was coming from, but he was hoping for something different.

"I'm sorry I can't be of more help," "I'm sorry too," Five sighed. "I gave you such a hard time as a kid. I didn't know any better," Five apologized. "No skin off my teeth, old man," A small smile graced Five's Lips, he was happy to hear the man he knew as his father was not mad at him or rubbing it in his face for the mess he had caused, but that he forgave him and knew that Five had definitely grown up.


"Ah! You're just in time for a nightcap," Five and Y/n hesitantly walked into the hotel room of the woman they last wanted to see. Y/n kept her grip tight on Five's blazer sleeve not knowing what The handler was capable of pulling. She offered the two a drink but they refused it and Five got straight to the point. "I take out the board, and you get me and my family home?" He asked with a tired sigh. "No more doomsday, no more apocalypse. Is that correct?" The handler laid down on her bed with a cigarette in her mouth. Maybe she was trying to seduce Five like the many times she had tried before, or maybe she was genuinely trying to get comfortable in her own hotel room. It was hard to tell when it came to someone like her. "That's the deal," Five glanced at Y/n who looked at him with a worried expression. "Then, I'm in," The handler had a grin spread across her face as she handed Five a slip of paper with the location of the board's meeting.

The two left the hotel room with a pit in their stomachs. "Are you sure this is the only option left?" Y/n asked as she roamed the streets of Dallas. "Sadly, yes," He sighed. "But you don't have to join me on this one, this should be something I do," Y/n shook her head and grabbed the boy's hand, stopping him in his place. "I know it's something you have to do, but that doesn't mean I can't help you," She said. "I'll go with you," A small smile graced his lips as he knew Y/n was being genuine. "Thank you," "Anytime,"


"This is the place?" Y/n asked as she took in her surroundings. "Looks like it," He turned to the girl and studied her outfit. "You sure do know how to put together an outfit," She was wearing a black and white striped shirt and black tailored capris. With a black satchel that held her weapons, and to top it all of she wore a black newsboy hat that had gold buttons on the side. She smiled and shrugged. "Felt like a special occasion," Five rolled his eyes and smiled. The two walked into the building and looked around. Five spotted a lady that looked like she was in charge and approached her. "Excuse me?" She gasped and told them how they frightened her. "If you're looking for the cookies, we don't put them out till 3:00," "Uh actually, do you know where the Midwest Soybean Society is meeting by any chance?"

"Sure do, Muskellunge Banquet Room," She instructed. "You two looking for your mom? She in for the convention?" Five ignored the question and asked the lady to give him some change for the money he had on him. "You got lucky mister," She smiled as she handed Five his change. The couple walked off and made their way to the vending machine Five wanted to buy a snack from. He inserted his money and entered the code. "Shit, the stupid thing got stuck," He muttered. "Here I'll get it for you," Y/n said getting ready to use her powers, but Five was already vigorously shaking the machine trying to get his snack. "Five," She said trying to get him to stop, but he continued. "Stupid Nutter Butter!" He shouted as he kicked the glass in. "Five!" "What?"

"You're an idiot,"

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