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Vega and Tovi jumped out of the portal as Tovi looked around in awe. It was magical. The fairies lived and made nests in the trees, with green forests all around them. Tovi's jaw dropped at the falling waterfalls and the glowing colors of blue from the sapphires that were everywhere.

Vega: Your first time in the Centaur tribe?

Tovi: I didn't know such a place existed in your kingdom.

Vega: Alright, no time to waste. Let's get those troublemakers.

Tovi: Why do you address them as troublemakers?

Vega: Because they are. The sister is mad, and the brother was so reckless he had his eye taken out.

Tovi stopped in his tracks as Vega turned and looked at him.

Tovi: He's a Guardian, and he has a scar...?

Vega: I healed him, but his eye was destroyed.

They started to walk and reached the magical green castle-looking place. The Centaurs looked at Vega and bowed with smiles on their faces, welcoming the prince. Tovi's eyes were on Vega. For the first time, Tovi saw how loving Vega could be. Vega was greeting the little Centaurs, caressing girls' hair and making fists with the boys as he said hello to the elderly with a gentle smile. An older woman approached and gave the fruit to the prince. Vega took it, smiling. He turned and looked at Tovi, the smile vanishing.

Tovi: You're a softie underneath it all, aren't you?

Vega: I'm perfect even with my imperfections...

Tovi: Never argue with a Virgo.

Vega rolled his eyes as they arrived at their destination. Sagitta came and bowed.

Sagitta: We've been expecting you, your highness.

Vega: Please, don't address me like that. My mother would kill me.

Sagitta chuckled.

Sagitta: You've grown into a fine young man, Vega.

Vega: I thank you, my lady. This is Tovi, Guardian of the Bull, Taurus. We've been assigned to take Theo and Geneva to Star, where they'll start the warrior academy.

Sagitta: Oh...

Vega: I sense discomfort in your tone.

Sagitta: I don't think this will go well.

Vega looked at her in confusion. When Sagittarius arrived, he bowed, noticing the signs of Virgo and Taurus glowing on Vega's and Tovi's foreheads.

Sagittarius: My greetings.

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