Chapter 5 - Im sorry...

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(Hey, it's the author. Sorry I haven't  been updating  too  much will try a bit harder. Just want to update you a little this will prob be a long book i'm guessing  15 chapters maybe  more. Don't  worry its a happy ending)

Steves POV:

It had been almost 20 mins, She was still shacking and I could feel her heart racing. I hated seeing her like this. 


She looked up at me slowly 

"What were you dreaming about"

She stayed quite for a minute then replied 

"Memories.... i'm sorry, you can go"

She said while looking up at me. She started to let go of me but I could tell she didn't  want me to go. I had know idea natasha was like this, she had always been such a strong and confident person I just couldn't  believe  she hid so much from us. 

"I want to stay.... If thats ok?"

I said grabbing her hands

"But I have to ask one more thing Nat"

She looked down at her lap

"Why the handcuffs... you almost cut of your hands off"

She looked at her hands they had huge slits through them from where the handcuffs had cut her. And if you looked close around the top and bottom  of her wrists  were similar  scars. Obviously this isn't  the fist time this has happened.

Nat spoke quietly "Sometimes when it gets intense I rip my bed sheets and strangle my self in my sleep so its just incase." "I also use to wear them when I was younger"

I felt so bad, I didn't  know what to say I just tucked her head into my chest . That was probably  the most truthfully  thing she had every said to me about herself .

"Ok.. I wont ask anymore questions but can I at least get a first aid kit and fix your wrists"

She nodded and I stood  up walking over  to her draw. She pointed  at the bottom  one and I opened  it. She barely had any  first  aid kit supplies, to be honest  I would be more surprised if she had a first aid kit at all. She had a rough needle and thread , And a small bottle of techqilla . I grabbed the needle and thread and walked  back over  to her slowly grabbing her wrists .

"This might hurt a little"

She nodded and I started to stitch up the gashes her wrists. She winced but Nodded for me to keep going. After I finished she cuddled back into my embrace .

"You tired ?"

She asked  softly 

"Im fine.. Ill stay here all night if it will make you feel better"

She smiled and lent in putting her hand under my chin lifting my head. She softly touched  her lips on mine, slowly pressing harder until  we were in rhythm. It was so satisfying kissing her. She eventually  stoped and rested  her head on my shoulder  closing her eyes. 

"You promiss  you wont leave" She whispered 

"Never" I whispered  back

I felt her breath out she was still shacking but had calmed down a-lot . Slowly My head rested on hers falling asleep .

(Sorry this was like a really short chapter - The rest fo the book is a bit more romance and some smut. Will put a note before any sexual scenes  happen if u guys aren't  into that)

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