Chapter 6 - The morning after

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Nats POV:

I woke up warmer than usual, I was normally cold with the lingering thoughts of my nightmares in my head but my head was clear. I was trying to think back on what happened last night when I felt a hand rap over my stomach. I turned  over to see him. Steve Rodgers  was lying in my bed. My body was cuddled into him, It came as a bit of a shock. Not the fact that we were in the same bed but how comfortable it was with him.  

I lay there for a few minutes staring at him. He was so peaceful, then I realised  it was a bit creepy so I got slowly got up and walked down stairs to let him sleep. The sun was almost coming up as a walked down the stairs I could see the orange and yellow light starting to beam through the house. I sat down on the couch peacefully. It was one of the first times I woke up with no bad thoughts and a clear mind. 

Steves POV: 

I felt my body go cold as the bed creaked. I slightly opened my eyes to see Nat slowly walking out the door. She was so silent  as she walked. She looked weightless her feet made no noise what soever as she floated out the door. I sat up trying to recall the events of the night before. It all came flashing back . The screams , the look on her face, the handcuffs slicing through her wrists. I was still in shock. I always sore Nat as a strong almost emotionless women but not I sore her past, her fears. She had a hole side to her he didn't  know. He knew she wouldn't  open up to him easy but he had to try. 

After half an hour or so of lying in bed a decided to head down stairs. As I carefully tip toed down the Woden  stairs around the corner I could just see her. She was sitting on the brown coach. Her perfect red hair feel down sitting on her shoulders, the colour was glowing in the light. The orange colours from the sunset shown perfectly on her face highlighting her dark green eyes and her features making her glow. I must have been standing there for a while because  while zooning out at this sight I heard a small chuckle. 

"Didn't  your mother ever tell you it was rude to stair" She said in a flirty  way.

I said nothing I didn't t know what to say, Just a few hours ago she was screaming  and shacking. Now she was back to herself like nothing happened . Although  I guessed it made sense . Obviously this happened  often so I was glad she was back to her flirty self.

"Don't look so embarrassed Rodgers  mine didn't  either" She said looking back to the sunset.

I went a sat down beside her she looked back at me briefly. her eyes were wide, the light wa still reflecting on her eyes making them glow green

She nudged me "Hey thanks for last night, I can be quite a hand-full  somtimes" 

"Its ok I didn't  mind, its been a rough few days" I said smiling becoming abit more relaxied

And "For the both of us" She said relaxing onto my shoulder  before continuing "We should probably get up shodden we

"We don't  have to, Bucky and everyone are gone for another few days" I said rapping my arm around her.

She hummed relaxing into my shoulder. "I have to ask... and you don't  have to answer  I under stand if you don't . Did you mean everything you said last night... I mean I understand  if you didn't  i was in quite a state, I ju"

Before she could continue i cut her off. "I did"

She looked deep into my eyes and lent in giving me a deep passionate kiss. It took me a while but I kissed back. She opened  her mouth slightly letting my toung explore her mouth. It was the best experience ever. It was so passionate and slow, her right hand cupped my check while the other rubbed up and down my torso outlining  my abs . My hands were on her neck and moving up her back. We pushed away after a while to catch out breath, her head was leaning against mine

"Can I ask a question now" I said between breaths

She gave me a slight nod, her hand still up my shirt.

"What are we"

Her smile slowly faded a little before looking down. She took a deep breath and looked back up.

"Can we not concentrate on that right now, we are partners remember  and I don't  want to jump into anything" She looked scared worried  about what I was going to say. So I just leant in and kissed her again much shorter this time. but she smiled so we were fine. 

 Nats POV:

When he asked I was worried about what to say. I wasn't  ready for a relationship I didn't  want to get to attached and them for him to leave, I knew he said he woundent but I was still worried. After a while of cuddling on the coach I decided it was time to get up. I had stuff to do.

"Im just going to go get into something a little more practical" I said before getting  up and giving him a smile.

"Why, we have no missions today?" he asked confused

"You don't  but I do" I said giving him a wink before leaving.

I walked up into my room before fetching  my suit and weapons . I put 2 guns in each leg, one in my bra, one on my arm and a few knifes around  my belt. I grabbed my laptop and started searching. Last night when i had my nightmare  it was different. Normally  it was just memories  from the red room but in this dream it was also nightmares  of the avengers , them finding everything  out about me and leaving. I knew that it was almost impossible for them to find out everything but after Steve  told me he found my file I knew there would be more on me out there and I couldn't risk it. I had to find it and destroy it. 

While living with the red room they didn't  move around to much so there was only one more building she new of that had information  on her and luckily  it was only a few hours away. After 20 minuets  or so she had found the address, it wasn't  too  hard as she had a very vivid memory of her child hood. 

I started walking down the stairs out the door when a strong pair of hands grabbed my waist. 

"Come eat breakfast  first at-least, you haven't  eaten in a few days"

"Thanks" I said before walking to the table

Steve had made some waffles and syrup

"Whats the mission" He asked curiosity 

"You really want to know" I said with a smirk

Rodgers new never to ask about my personal missions, but I could tell he was worried. 

"Nat should you really be doing this a-lot  has happened  in the last few days, shouldn't you be taking a break " He said with a concerned look

"the black widow doesn't  rest" I said with a slight chuckle. he laughed as-well  but I could tell he was nervous.

"You look nervous, seriously whats the mission"

I was about to stand up and leave when Steve  blurted out

"Let me come"

I looked at him confused

"Please, come on" He said again

"Bad idea solider" I said

"Natsaha" He said again. I could tell was serious he never used my full name.

I let out a sigh "Fine but no questions"

I could tell he was relieved.

(Heyy, its the author. Sorry my updates are slow am trying to write as much as possible.)

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