chap 5

15 3 1


*Trigger Warning*

It was so dark.

I blinked rapidly from as I pulled myself up in a sitting position on the bed, as if that will somehow clear the opaque darkness.

Fear swirled in my chest like an anxious puppy. The room was too dark. It was too quiet. I was all alone.

It's cold. My thin shirt wasn't warm enough, wasn't strong enough to keep my shivers concealed.

The side of my head was throbbing with pain. Did someone hit me? My whole body suddenly felt too weak. The bed beneath me felt like it was made of metal.

Where am I? What happened?

Tears pooled around the corner of eyes. I want to get out of this dark place. I want to go home. I want to go home to Mom and Elina. I want to shout for my brother to get me out of this dark place but it felt as if my voice won't budge.

Curling my arms around me like a blanket, I begin to sob in my knees when a whimper cut through the chill dark, slicing me shut abruptly.

The whimpers forged into a quiet cry. And that cry was adding bricks of dread to my heart because that cry belonged to...Elina.

"E-elina?" I croaked through the curtain of darkness.
The cry abruptly dissolved into a gasp.

"I-isa!" she cried out loud and I could hear the rattling of chains.

"Are you okay!? Where are we Isa? I am so scared" her voice broke into cries and I could again hear the chains.

Am I shackeld too? I tried to crawl forward but immediately heard the familiar rattling and a cool grip on my arm that yanked me back into  place. A chain was coiled around my left arm like a snake. I tried to free my self from my right hand but the chain won't come off.

"Elina-" I started but then the door to the room opened, spilling sacks of light into the room, temporary blinding me.
When my eyes got adjusted to the light, I turned immediately to where I thought Elina was and seeing her made my breath halt in my throat.

She was brutally chained to the corner of the room, the chains digging into her wrists. Her lip was swollen, her eyes were bleeding tears and her body was shaking. And now she was looking at the doorway with a known apprehension.

I followed her terrified gaze.

Three silhouettes were standing in the doorway. One of them belonged to a woman.

"They" one of the male silhouettes spoke, seeming kind of disappointed but that didn't last as he assessed Elina.

"But damn she is fine for a nine year old" he spoke with an obvious hint of lust. As if he was talking about his favorite dish.

He moved in more and turned on the light of the room. The light was more like a nightlight but it was enough to see his face. He was a man who was way older than my brother. He could be someone's father. His face was not asthetically pleasing and he looked like a monster.

The woman behind her also looked old, just a little bit younger than my mom. She was wearing tight jeans and a very small top. She was beautiful but she looked like a witch, the one who had no ounce of empathy.

The other guy behind them was young. Young like my brother. Unlike both of them who looked at us with the gaze of a predator, he looked visibly bored, like he can't wait for it to be over, whatever it was. He was devastatingly good looking but there was something extremely eerie about him. Something that made me want to grab my little sister with my own little hands and run.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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