Chapter one :Friends and school

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* first of all I'm apologizing to my readers if there are no images but I'll come up with something soon . Enjoy*

Friends and school :

Constantine's POV
Here came the one day I wanted to avoid "MONDAY IT WAS FUCKING MONDAY".
If y'all are wondering why I hated this day was none other than the fact that I was going to a new school and I would have to make friends which was the last thing I would want to do .
    "Constance",my  mom calls from the kitchen ."Yes mom" I reply shrugging internally .
  "You're going to be late for school and today is your first day you don't want to set off a bad impression"she says.
   Did I mention that I changed schools ? I pretty much guess so ..sooner you'll get to know why .
  To avoid my mom's pestering and sermons I got off my bed and lazily went to have my bath .
I wasn't planning to impress anyone at school not like they'd notice me so I wore a short red checkered skirt and a white top with black laced up boots and slung my bag over my shoulder and headed down to meet my mom in the kitchen .
  "Honey why do you look so glum ?, this is your first day at least try to look happy ",she says trying her best to make me smile.
   I love my mom I'm not going to lie but I really wish I could tell her to face . She's always been there for me even when I didn't want anyone to be so the least I could do was reciprocate her gesture with a small smile .
   "Okay constance we have thirty minutes before school starts  eat up so I can drop you off ", she says as sh places a plate of pancakes infront of me and a cup of orange juice.
   My mom drives me and drops me off at school .Hmmm this is going to be a long day  I say to myself internally as I stand infront of Archwood High .
  " Okay constance you can do it ,you can do i it  " I kept on saying until I bumped into something really hard . It sure as hell wasn't a wall that I knew but  I couldn't see because my glasses fell so I bent to pick and at least apologize to whatever I bumped into .
    Awaiting me was the most beautiful set of azure set of eyes I'd seen ,the person infront  of me  was sexy as hell , perfect biceps beautiful and sharp jawlines and an amazing set of eyes until he said one thing that drew me out of my day dreams
   " WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU LITTLE BIT OF BLIND FLUFF" , he said and everyone in the hall burst out laughing .
   I just wanted to melt into puddle and never rise again how worse could today go?

*Dun dun dun! Who do you think Constantine bumped into?
*How do you think Constantine would hold up for the rest of the day ?
  Either ways I love you people I hope you like more añd find sense I'm my books

Lots of love and kisses to y'all mtuaahh

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