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First thing Katherine did in the morning was texting her best friend Samantha. It was rare for her to be that interested in a man, she couldn't figure out why. He was the very first thing that was on her mind in the morning and she wanted to see him again. So badly.


Morning to you too 🤣
You're texting me 'morning' since when?

Stop being sarcastic. Can't I be nice to my best friend?

Of course you can, I'm kidding. I just wondered what made you this cheerful... Or who, I should say.

You know who. 

Oh do I?

Come on, Samantha! The man I met yesterday. I can't get him out of my mind, I don't know what happened to me but he's like... Cigarette.

Love, you don't smoke. 😂
Or do you??? If yes I'll kill you.

Of course I don't! It was an example, silly... He's like a drug. Just can't get him out of my mind. What do I do?

Text him maybe?
You won't seem desperate, don't worry.
I am sure he found you attractive as well and he might even be in love with you.

Okay, no need to exaggerate.
What do I say, good morning or hi?

It doesn't matter.

Okay, I'll text you later... Are you sure I won't seem desperate?



Don't forget to tell me about it. I gotta go now, talk to you later. xxx

Bye! ❤️

She was practically jumping on her bed.

There was something different about him. Was she falling for him because he was attractive or because he was being so nice? She had to admit that he was attractive, but there was something else in his voice, in his looks, in the way he talked. She actually found him beautiful.

Taking a deep breath, she finally decided to text him.

Good morning. :)

Was he still sleeping? Maybe he was at work. Wait, do writers go to work? Maybe he had another job. Maybe not. Maybe he just did not want to talk to her... Why wasn't he answering?!

She sighed in frustration as she took a big sip from her coffee and burned her tongue.

Morning, Katherine.
How are you? :)

He finally replied after 10 minutes.

I'm good! Getting ready to go to school.

I mean work.

I'm an idiot, she thought.

How about you?

I just got out of shower, that's why I replied late by the way. Sorry about that.

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