Chapter 27

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Hattie got pulled out of her cell by her elbow, it was the day for her trial and soon she will be sentenced, after her attempt murder of the king. The entire castle had now heard about it and to say they were spitting on the ground she walked on would be an understatement, she looked at all of them, they all used to worship the ground she walked on, now they were the ones that were spitting, if she gets out of this she will throw all of them out, Ernest is her son, he would not punish his own mother.

The doors to the room were opened, many glanced back as Hattie was brought in, the always elegant queen now messy after two days in a cell where the treatment was not nice at all, she was treated lower than a servant "Hattie Daniels is in-"

"I am a Felstead" Hattie snapped when the announcer called her by the name that she has not been called for years, that name held poverty a place she isn't willing to go in, she wasn't poor, she was a Felstead. The announcer continued as he read all of her crimes, the infidelity was added to the list as she tried to shrugging out of the guards hold

"Mother" Ernest called getting everyone's attention in the room "I am saddened to do this at how much I love you however I am not willing to live with a person set to end my life. Your attempt had to be punished by murder but you are my mother once a queen of this kingdom and I love you so much" Ernest held his head in his hand feeling so sad his mother tried to kill him "I don't want to do this but I will have to throw you out of Felstead to never return"

"What?" Everyone was nodding seeing how hurt their king was with the fact that his mother tried to kill him, most wanted her dead but their king was so generous he would never punish his mother like that "Ernest, I am your mother you can't do that to me"

"Precisely the point, you are my mother that is why I am not killing you"

"No, you are not throwing me away like I am a nobody, I have been the queen, I gave this kingdom a heir, I deserve my place here, I EARNED my place here" Hattie made herself clear, she earned her place in this palace and Ernest shouldn't be doing this to her.

"I am sorry" Ernest stood up.

"No you're not" Hattie yelled fighting off the guard's hands "Now I see it, how I made the biggest mistake of my life keeping you, it was you I should have thrown out, you were the mistake all along I s-"

"Take her out" Ernest ordered his face moving from the sad one to a dangerous one

"One day, you will be just like me, one day you cursed child" Hattie yelled as she was escorted out, she knew Ernest was eliminating her because she had become a liability to him now that she was hated by everyone, he needed to take her out before people started talking about keeping her in the castle "That evil bastard, I will kill him, I will make sure to kill him" Hattie yelled all the way into the carriage, she was thrown inside and before the carriage drove away she thought she saw someone, someone who was supposed to be dead. She soon shrugged it off as she started hitting the back of the carriage wanting to unlock so she can get out and kill her son

Her words only confirmed the fact that she really wanted to end their king's life, they were all glad she was taken out of the kingdom, they were all glad and even though William wasn't quite relieved, he would have preferred if she died but he couldn't complain that that was good enough and Hattie deserved it, she was out of the way, now he was left with Ernest and Samuel as the bigger enemies. He was about to make his way out of there when a hand pulled him once again, he knew right away that it was Bert, he never learns to keep his distance, always pulling him

Bert pulled him through the castle and into the royal chambers to a door that he unlocked with his magic even if the key was right above it, he pulled William down the dark corridor where he could see absolutely nothing until Bert light up a fire torch that provided some light to them as the climbed down the stairs into the spider web filled tunnel. William didn't know that these were here, it was great to know safe places he could pass to do his thing. It didn't take long when Bert stopped at a dead end, he lifted his hand up on the wall creating a green light door.

He passed through it without letting go of William's hand. When they got inside Bert finally let go of his hand lighting up all the torches in the room and there in the center of the cave is a big stone and on the big stone was a body and depending on the clothes, she had to be a woman that is now a skeleton "This is Margaret" Bert was the first to talk, William lifted his eyes up to Bert his cold eyes holding a silent question 'So?' "This is Margaret" Bert said again but as the first time William didn't give a reaction.

After a strong cold silence William finally spoke "How did she die?" walking over to her remains, Bert almost sighed our in relief when William asked the question, he somehow thought he didn't care.

"She was strangled"

"Do you know who did it?" Bert shook his head, he is torn between everyone in the castle. Ernest could have done it, there is no surprise there or Hattie

"Do you want us to go bury her some place else" William lifted his eyes to Bert with his hands behind this back, Bert wanted a reaction than just an empty cold look he was getting, this was his mother damnit he wanted him to cry, to show he cares, that he hadn't given up on the world like Bert thinks he has

"I don't care what you do, I want to leave" Bert felt like all of the air inside his lungs was pushed out with William's words, he didn't expect him to say such words to his own mother, he should care about his mother's remains. Bert walked over to William resting his hand over his.

"Don't be like this"

"What, you want me to cry over some woman I don't know" William took his hand back walking over to the wall where they passed that was now a wall again "I want to leave"

"You know her"

"I don't, you think I wouldn't have remembered the name if I knew her, you think I am making myself forget"

"No, you're making yourself not feel" Bert lifted his hand onto William's chest "I know you don't want to feel the pain-"

"You think just because you didn't leave Ernest for me, I decided to not feel" That wasn't what Bert was going to say, he knows William has been through a lot not just him choosing Ernest, there was so much that was creating this version of William "Just create a door I want to leave"

"We are not leaving until you are not this cold, hearted person I don't understand"

"You want to understand" William asked stepping closer to Bert who took a step back "You want to understand that I hate you, that I hate you so much your face makes me sick, you want to understand that I want you dead and so far away from me, is that what you want to understand. You want to understand how much I want to strangle you and leave you dead, this place can be fantastic, I will leave you here so that you can keep her company, what do you think? That can be a great idea right...You don't know me Bert, stop trying to act like you do"

Bert didn't want to give up, he was not letting Elmer be like this, he would rather die than see him being this shell of a person this kingdom has created. He took a hold of William's hand pecking it his eyes on William's. He moved his hand wrapping it around William pulling him closer attached their lips together. Bert didn't get to move or do anything when William pulled him away by his hand around his neck "Open that door or I kill you right now for touching me again" William was feral, his lips shut and eyes squinting in disdain. He looked like he was only controlling himself from killing Bert right here. Bert lifted his hand creating the door without another protest and with that William let go of his neck walking out without another word

Bert slide down the wall holding his legs onto his chest feeling like his mistakes have managed to destroy Elmer and it was all his fault, he wouldn't be like that, when he came back Elmer had allowed himself to feel then Bert had to break that, he had to ruin every piece that was left "ARGHHH" Bert screamed so loud he felt all of the air in his lungs slip out, he just hated himself for what he did... For what they did....

They all created a shell out of a kind man

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