Chapter 1

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I, Clover, a 16-year-old elf ran hand in hand alongside my younger sister Daisy. We had just barely managed to escape from our family cottage. A group of cloaked figures had come in, fought our parents and attacked our little brother Fern. But luckily, we made it out safely.

"Daisy, are you okay?" I asked, looking behind me, out of breath. Daisy finally caught up to me.

"I'm okay. Just tired of running," she responded.

I looked around my surroundings. We were in the deep part of Toosoll Twins Forest.

"Hey, I told you I can teleport. Why didn't you let me do that?" demanded Daisy.

I looked at my sister in disbelief. "Nobody in this world has more than one ability. You already have all that fire stuff. There's no way you can also teleport. That's just how it is. Dad told us so. This is not that time to be joking around."

Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I reached out for Daisy's hand but it was too late. One of the cloaked figures appeared and grabbed her.

"No! Daisy!" I screamed. Waves of water came flooding out of my hand. That was my power. Hydrokinesis. I could basically control anything related to water, and I was pretty good at it, too. I tried to chase after Daisy but before I could blink, every single one of the cloaked figures had disappeared. Including my sister.

"This way. They won't be gone for long," a voice whispered from somewhere around her.

My eyes darted about. Who said that? Before I could do anything else, I was also grabbed and pulled away. But instead of creepy elves in cloaks, I found myself face to face with a teenage elf about my age, maybe older. He had a hood on, but I could see the amount of wavy black hair he had under it. His skin was the lightest bit of a cappuccino colour and it glowed, even in this dark forest. He held onto my shoulders and peaked past me.

"It's not safe here. Come with me," he urged.

I looked at him in silence. Then I spoke up. "I don't even know you."

The guy's brown eyes looked right into my blue ones. "But I'm sure you've heard of me, just like I know about you. I'm Diego. Look, I know a place we can go that's safe. Just come with me, please."

I shook my head. "I have no idea who you are, and I can't leave! My sister. She was taken. How do I know you're not working for those who took her?"

Diego put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a necklace that had a pearl on it. "You've learned about these. It's the necklace only members of The Collective have. I know your parents. Well, my family does. We want to help you."

Because I had been taught by my parents to trust those with a pearl necklace exactly like the one this boy was holding, I reluctantly nodded. "Okay, fine. I'll go with you."

Diego grabbed my hand and I felt a spinning sensation until it came to a stop. A few seconds later, I realized I was definitely not in the forest anymore.

"Where am I?" I asked. We had landed inside a huge foyer. Nobody was in sight and I felt a little nervous. I hoped I had made the right decision to go with Diego.

"Inside my school. I'll bring you to my dad," answered Diego. We walked down a huge hall and students began to stare at us. After a few turns, we reached a room that had a sign saying 'Principal.' Diego opened the door. When I got in, I immediately noticed the bare walls and the one, single bookcase. My eyes landed on the desk, where a man sat behind.

"You must be Clover Southland. We've been waiting," the man said.

I gulped. What had I gotten myself into, and how did I even get here...

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