Chapter 7

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Right after the words came out of my mouth, there was a large bang, coming from above us.

A loud voice came over the school speakers. "The school is under attack. I repeat, Feather Crown Academy is under---"


All at once, Lord Julian got up and hurriedly threw open the door.

"Repeat this phrase, Clover. Now you see me, now you don't." Then, he left.

Diego rushed out too, nodding at me before he took off. "Get out of here, okay?"

I took a deep breath. After, I ran out of the office, to find students hurriedly walking around. I knew how to navigate myself to the front entrance, so I did. With one last look at the school, I sprinted out. My blonde hair kept getting caught hitting my face, so I tied it up into a ponytail. Repeating the phrase Lord Julian had told me to say, I headed to the woods. I ran away far enough to not be able to see the school anymore, then slowed down to a walk.

Why was someone attacking the school? Was this why Daisy gave me a signal?

From behind me, I heard movement. I flung myself around. Nobody. I walked forward, scared to death. In a quick motion, someone clamped their hand on top of my mouth, grabbed my arm, and pulled me away.

I was running, I realized. I tried to look at the person who was holding my arm, but he or she was wearing a hood. We stopped when we reached a trail. The person turned around and I recognized the wavy hair and nice-looking clothes. Diego.

"Are you okay? You are, right?"

"I'm... I'm fine. What about all the students?" I wondered, looking back at the direction of the school.

"Father will take care of them. Don't worry," he remarked. "We need to get you to a safe place."

"I'll take you somewhere," a voice from in front of us whispered. Our heads spun around and we saw the person I least expected. The guy I had bumped into earlier, before my Geography class.

"Parker?" Diego exclaimed. "What on earth are you doing here? You're supposed to be with the rest of the students."

So his name was Parker.

He ignored Diego's comments and kept talking, looking at me. "I saw her running away from the school. We knew something was up."

I squinted my eyes. "We?"

From behind a tree, two figures appeared.

This time, I yelled. "Zoey!?"

She waved. "Hey, Clover." Beside Zoey was a younger male version of her. "This is my brother, Zack."

Zack nodded at us. "Hello."

Diego let go of my arm and stepped forward. "Parker Florest. Why are you here?"

Parker shrugged and stared me right in the eye. His green eyes were darker than before. "Are you trying to put everyone in danger?"

Zoey frowned. "Why would this be Clover's fault?"

"Zoey's right. This has nothing to do with her," agreed Diego, causing Zoey to grin at him.

"Then why did some creepy cloaked guy come into the school, demanding for someone named Clover Southland?" Parker smirked. "Is that not you?"

I froze. "What are you talking about?"

"Some creepy cloaked guy---" he repeated.

Diego cut him off. "We get it, Florest."

"Why, you..." Parker scowled, raising his fist. Then, his face looked like he had remembered something. "Oh, I forgot to mention. He had with him this little girl, with blonde braids. Kind of looked like you, Clover. That's why it was interesting for me, so I followed you. I thought you were working for the bad guys or something. But instead, you're hiding in a forest."

My heart skipped a beat. Braids? That was Daisy's signature hairstyle.

Diego seemed to understand what I was thinking. I slowly walked backward, feeling the urge to run and see Daisy.

"No, stop! It's way too dangerous!" Diego shouted. I obeyed reluctantly.

"That's my sister!" I cried. "I have to get her."

Zoey looked at me curiously. "You have a sister?"

"Of course she does. And she's right here."

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