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Just a couple weeks ago I had my best/worst baby shower ever.
It's still hard to believe I'm engaged now!

I mean, having a baby and getting married?? I'm set for life.

"So I guess you secured the bag huh?" Brittany laughed.
"Come on Brit, you know what me and Lamelo have is real. Fuck the money." I rolled my eyes.

"Well yeah girl, but money is everything!" She said.

"That's YOUR everything. MY everything is Lamelo and my daughter. We live in two different universes." I said.

"Whatever, you do you girl." She snickered.

Pj then came out from the kitchen to give us some lemonade.

"Damn girl! That's a whole rock right there! And just for engagement?" Pj said grabbing my hand.

I wanted to snatch my hand away but I admired it.
I was something Pj couldn't have and Lamelo could.

Like I was "Limited Edition."

I do have to admit, the ring was definitely a lot for an engagement ring.

I do have to admit, the ring was definitely a lot for an engagement ring

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"I guess Lamelo beat me to it huh?" Pj laughed.
I shot him a dirty look knowing we were right in front of his girlfriend.

"Come on Pj, stop." I said.

"Yeah Ronnie, I think it's about time you leave." Brittany said with attitude.
"I don't know what all of 'this' is, but I don't like it." She said pointing at me and Pj.

"Brit, it's literally not like that. I'm engaged with a baby on the way. Do you really think I have time for all that?" I said.

Brittany narrowed her eyes at me. "Well obviously the situation with Lonzo and Ingram, you seem to always have time." She said.

"Fine." I said getting up. "Pj has always been like this, you're just blind Brit."

"She's lying babe. You know I'd never cheat on you." Pj said giving me a nasty look.

"I know." Brittany said looking me up and down. "Just a home wrecker doing her job."

Was she out of her damn mind?? Her man goes out of his way to flirt with me , and I'm the home wrecker?? Baby, the home was already wrecked.

I guess I've got Lonzo and Denise number two right here in Charlotte.

I went home to Lamelo and ranted to him about everything.

"You gotta calm down babe, I don't wanna almost lose the baby again." He said concerned.

"Sorry." I said. "It's just so hard not to with all the shit that joes down."

"I know." He said. "But you still gotta control that."

I took Lamelo's word but still kept thinking about it all.

Why am I in such a bad circle?? What did I do to deserve this?? Everyone loves me, the next day I'm a bitch, hoe, home wrecker, I've heard it all.

I just wish everything can be different. I don't wanna be worshipped but I deserve some damn respect, I'm not anyone's Bitch.

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