Oli McBurnie - 'I Want You'

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Me and Oli were together from being 15 and when I was 17 I fell pregnant. Some may this is a blessing in disguise but not Oli he couldn't stand the fact I was pregnant and made me choose between our relationship and our unborn child. I chose the child. 2 months before I turned 18 I gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy, I named him Leo McBurnie. I gave him Oli's surname even though Oli didn't deserve it. I am now 23 and my little boy is 5. Being based in Sheffield and meeting Oli through a football game I have always supported Sheffield United. I never checked the transfer news throughout pre season for the first time in years. Our first game was Bournemouth away and I decided to take Leo. My dad came with us as he is an ex Sheffield United player, Paddy Kenny. As I was sat enjoying the game they made a substitution and coming on was my worst nightmare. Oliver Robert McBurnie. I panicked and turned to my dad, "did you know he plays for us?" He replied and said, "yes sweetheart but I didn't tell you because I didn't want to break your heart you love football and I didn't want that prick getting in the way of it. You've been watching it since as long as I can remember. You used to adore me playing for the blades. Don't let him ruin it, please?" "Yes dad of course but what if Leo twigs that it's his dad." I whispered that last part as Leo doesn't know his dad and I don't want Oli swanning into his life as if he's never left. "Mummy that new player has the same last name as me, how cool is that?" He said excitedly. I just smiled at him and pulled him onto my knee so he could see better. The game finished 1-1 not bad for our first premier league game. It's crazy to think I was 11 when we were last in the premier league. My dad near enough dragged me down to the dugouts to see the lads and Chris Wilder. When I saw Phil Jagielka I could've cried and I swore I felt a tear. He was like an uncle to me when I was younger and he played for us. I used to call him 'Uncle Philly'.
"Hi Phil, how've you been I can't believe it's been 12 years already." I said keeping the tears in. "Oh sweetie don't cry, I've missed you so much. I can't believe how much you've grown up and you're a mum now? I've missed so much." He replied with and I pulled him into the biggest hug. As I was hugging him I looked up to see Oli. "Mummy that's that man that has the same last name as me! Look mummy! Grandad look!" Leo practically screamed down my ear. I looked over to my dad and panicked. "Y/N?" Ah he speaks not just stare in shock. "Is he?" Ah he can speak. "Yes Oliver, yes he's the son you abandoned for your career. You have a 5 year old son, you happy to hear? Hope everyone back home is proud of the dad you've become. Oh wait you've failed at that one." I replied. "Okay I deserved that one." He quickly replied. "Mummy? Why did you lie? You knew who my daddy was and you didn't tell me! I hate you so much, you're a horrible mummy." There it comes, I saw it coming. I feel like I've failed. I broke down in years there and then in my dads arms. My own son hates me. Why not hate him? I've done everything. "Leo come on we're going home." I said. I then heard a cough behind me which I recognised as Oli's dad. Oh shit. I slowly turned around to see their unhappy faces. "You hid our grandchild from us?" Oli's mum asked. My heart broke, that woman was like another mum to me. "Blame Oli, he made me choose between our relationship or the baby and I chose Leo. I'd choose Leo every day of the week. That boy saved me without knowing." I replied and walked past Oli to be pulled back by my wrist by him. "I want to be in his life." He said and I immediately replied and said, "why and why now all of a sudden? You knew I was keeping him so why not then?" "I was a stupid 17 year old boy who knew nothing. I didn't know what I wanted but now I do. I want you. I want you and Leo."


Part 2?
It's been so long but I'm back!

Sheffield United ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora