The Time Turner

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The next morning...

The next morning I am rudely awakened by being sprayed by a fire extinguisher. Hazels doing, no doubt...

"SUPRIZE!" my friends shriek. 

"ARRRHHHHH!" I yell, my mouth full of that foamy stuff. "WA DAD YOW DO THAWT THOR?" 

"Becuse, you were that last one to wake up..." Chelsea explains, snickering slightly.

I wipe the foam from my face. 

"Right." I say, "Whose idea was that?"

Everyone points at Ivy, who bursts out laughing,

"Ruby... (hahahahahahhahahaha)... you look.... (hahahahahahahaha)... absolutly..... (hahahahaha)... RIDICILOUS!"

I roll my eyes. "Stop quoting Harry Potter!" I pick up the fire extinguisher,

"FIRE IN THE HULL!" I shriek, and pull the trigger. 

"AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!" They scream, their mouths full of foam,


After 10 more minutes of what is now known, The Foam Fest, we went down for breakfast, still covered in 20 buckets of foam...

Everyone except me, I stay back in Hazels room, hesitating. Emma-leigh looks back at me.

"Are you coming?"

"No... I... need to go to the bathroom." I say, feeling awful lying to my best friend.

Emma-leigh shrugs. 

"See you down-stairs I guess..." and then she disapears from sight.

As soon as she goes, I start rumaging around in Hazels pants drawer. I need to find it. Need to find it now!

I search her pair of cargo pants, and the golden necklace  and a stick fall out with an almighty THUD!
Oh crap. I scoop up the time turner and the stick. Only, it isn't a stick... its a wand. Holy crapsticks. A wand. 

"Lumos..." I say, repeating the pattern of the Lumos wand-wave. Sure enough, the end lights up, not much, but enough for me to know that it works. Crap, crap, crap. They weren't lying...

Hazel will be livid if she finds out... I gulp. 

Well, here goes nothing... (Except my frienship with Hazel, posibibly my life, and the fate of the world as we know it)

I take a deep breath, and consintrate on one thing Suzzane Collins, Suzzane Collins, Suzzane Collins. I inagine myself standing next to her. Next to her. Next to Suzzane Collins. 

At first nothing happens. 

Then the room starts to whirl, and spin, and I am sucked backwards into obivion. I'm being crushed at all sides, my lungs are gasping, but I can't fight the crushing power blocking my airway.

Then, there is light... and I sprawl to the ground... 

I look up, and a face stares back. The shocked face of Suzzane Collins.

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