Meeting my Idol.

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"Oh crap..." I groan to myself. I hurriedly get to my feet, gripping Hazels wand in one hand and the time turner in the other. "Um... hi" I say.

"You must be Ruby." 

I freeze. "How do you know my name?"

Suzzane sighs. "Joanne promised me this wouldn't happen..." she groans, putting her head in her hands. "Ruby?"

"Yes..." I answer, unsure what else to say.

"You're in posseition of a time turner. I am correct?" 

"...Um... did you know that?" I say, "Do you know J.K Rowling?" 

She sighs again. "Yes Ruby. I know Joanne. And she said to me that this wouldn't happen." 

"What wouldn't happen?" 

Suzzane gestures towards me, "This. That you're here... I'm guessing you know how I the idea for the Hunger Games now I suppose..."

I start to put two and two together... "Its real."

"Yes. Well... not yet... but it will happen... in 650 years give or take... Joanne and I traveled there." she sighs again. "She warned me this would happen if I wrote about it. Ha. Should've listened."

"... So its really... real? Thats going to happen to the world?" I ask horrified.

"I know that its horrible. But we can't change it... it would completely rupture the time- continum... I knwo what your here for. The answer is no."

"Did she tell you about the Save-a-life project?"

She stares at me. "The what?"

"So she allowed 2 people to travel back in time and save some people. *cough cough* Snape *Cough cough*" 

"... Ruby... but this is the future... its different... its dangerous..."

"So was them going to Hogwarts! Look, I know what I'm doing... and we're talking about saving lives here! There is no price for human life"

"Can't you see Ruby? That's why I don't want you to go! I'm not even sure that Finnick will-"

"Finnick? How do you know that..." I cut off. "I've been back... to see you... haven't I... after I've done it..."

"I can't... tell you Ruby..." she sputters.

"Fine. But you know that I come back... I survive don't I? Right I'm going and you can't stop me." I say defiantly. 

Then she smiles. "I know. Set it for 654 years in the future... oh, first you knew to Apparate to the Rockies... when you go you'll appear in the Capitiol... you'll know what to do..." she pulls a wand (A WAND!) out of her pocket, "Good luck."

Then she is gone...

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