Chapter Seven: Yuzu (Part II)

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"Do I really have to wear this ridiculous dress?" I asked by seeing my reflection with discomfort.

We were at Kanato's bedroom, who led me there to give me a very expensive-looking Victorian-style white dress. It was knee-length, and it was full of ruffles, ribbons, pearls, and other fine details. The girls from school would have called it Lolita style or something similar. Neither Ayato nor Laito joined us. We leave them behind at the entrance.

I did not understand why Kanato asked me for such a condition to see Tomoka, but he was so intimidating that I preferred to obey. And there I was, looking at my figure in a large rococo style mirror which reflected me from head to toe.

"This brings back memories..." he commented, appearing right behind me and leaning his face on my shoulder.

"You look like an authentic doll, Yuzu."

"Oh, do you think so?"

"Yes, the most beautiful I've ever seen."

"Thank... you? I guess." I blushed, trying to ignore how close we were.

Kanato started fiddling with my hair curls and whispered in my ear:

"Do you like it? I made it especially for you. You've always liked these dresses, right?"

"When I was a kid, my parents used to dress me like this but, I think it doesn't fit me anymore..." I replied nervously, trying to keep my gaze fixed on my reflection. So I wouldn't have to look at those threatening eyes.

"Not at all! You look fantastic!" he assured, raising a hand to grab my chin. "I really want to kiss you, Yuzu..."

"Hold your horses, boy!" I exclaimed, flushed. "I don't even know your name and you want to kiss me?!"

To my bewilderment, he just smiled.

"Kanato," he said. "Remember that well."

"Kanato..." I repeated, surprised. Something echoed in me then: That name... "You and I... we know each other?"

He didn't answer. His eyes looked at me longingly, as if that was truly an expected reunion. And if so, I didn't get to remember him, despite how familiar his name was to me. Even now, I find it a mystery.

"Yuzu, I asked the old man so many times to bring you to the manor. I had lost any hope... but here you are."

Kanato spoke delightedly as he spread his arms to the sides. "I've created the best doll collection for you."

"Why would you do that? You're strange..." I commented. Even if we met before, there was no reason in giving me such a present, right?

His smile widened.

"When you see it, I'll take you with your friend. I promise."

I sighed.  When I find you, Tomoka will definitely have to explain what the heck is going on with your maternal family.

"All right, but this is the last thing I'll do." I declared, "I'm tired of this game."

*   *   *

The place Kanato took me to exceeded my expectations. It was a very dark and gloomy subterranean compartment filled with wax women, dressed in beautiful wedding dresses and flowers. We walked together towards the center of the room, I was still dressed in the outfit he gave me, as for him, he had a creepy smile plastered on his face.

"This place..." I mumbled in shock.

"Do you like it? This is where I keep the beautiful dolls that I've made" Kanato explained, looking at the figures with fascination before turning back to me. "Now they are all yours, Yuzu."

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