Chapter 1

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You were standing by one of the circus tents along with Popee and Kedamono. You were trying to juggle a pair of three red and white checkered plastic balls. It was a challenge between the three of you. Kedamono was already out. It was just you and Popee. The both of you were extremely focused on trying to not mess up, you barely noticed another pair of eyes on you. When you did, you tried to ignore it but just couldn't stand not knowing. You turned your head to see a dark figure with a strange silhouette disappear behind a large circus tent on the other side of the property. The balls you had been juggling all came down and bounced of your head, real cartoon style. You watched as Popee tossed all three into the air and held out his open his bag to catch them, but he miscalculated and they all came down on his head, one after another. You and Kedamono snicker to each other, then freeze when you notice Popee had giving you both the most fear inducing death stare you'd ever seen. He started chasing you and you started running for dear life. You ducked behind a tent to catch your breath, knowing he had directed his attention to Kedamono, and was now chasing him. You had a minute or two before Popee would catch him and come for you next. You suddenly looked up and there was a man. He had a thick black mustache, a yellow and orange performers uniform, and the thing that stood out the most, a sun head piece. You jumped, taking a second to process that there was someone else there. You heard explosions from around the front of the tent and turned your head, then turned back and he was gone. You jumped once again then ran out from the side of the tent. You ran to Popee and grabbed him by the shoulders. Kedamono was cowering on the ground beside you and Popee was holding an unlit bomb. You looked him directly in the eye "Popee, is there someone else here besides us?" He gave you a confused look and looked over your shoulder at Kedamono, then back at you. "No, besides him too. Tall man, mustache, hat shaped like the sun?" You narrated with your hands. He took a second then nodded his head and he understood. "You know? Who is he?" Popee just shrugged his shoulders. You let go of him and sighed. You turned and started walking off. "I'm going to go take a nap." You pushed open the curtain to one of the tents and sat down. There was a large pile of blankets and pillows. You crawled under and slowly drifted to sleep.

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