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You sit up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. You look to see Popee and Kedamono sitting at either side. They give you a concerned look. You smile and laugh awkwardly, trying to show them you're fine. "Just a bad dream. I wasn't too loud, was I?" Popee shook his head then pointed at your pocket with a confused look. You reached in and pulled out the little piece of paper, looking extremely confused. How'd you get this? Didn't you get it in the dream? How was it here? Questions raced through your mind but we're interrupted by the sound of a loud horn. You walk outside along with Popee and Kedamono too see what was going on. There he was. The man. The sun man. He was balanced on one foot on top of a large circus ball, holding a trumpet in one hand and a lit torch in the other. He held out the torch, leaned back his head, opened his mouth, and proceeded to swallow the fire. He leaped and did a front flip off the ball, landing right in front of the three of you. You gripped the card a little tighter in your pocket but didn't say anything. You snapped out of your daze and started clapping. Every good act deserves a round of applause. Popee and Kedamono joined in. He bowed, then smiled when he stood up. He took a second to examine the three of you with intense concentration until you broke the frozen silence. You held out a hand to him and smiled "Hello, I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you. This is Popee and Kedamono. You are?" He smiled and shook his head then used a stick to write the words "Wondering Performer: 'Papi'" Your eyes widened and you thought silently to yourself. 'So it is him. He really gave me that card. Or did he. How do I know he even knows who I am. It could just be a simple coincidence.' You doubted your own thoughts, but knew it could be true. He might really not know who you are, it could just be coincidence. You decided to stay quiet unless he gave signs of recognizing you. You raised your hand and spoke. "Wonderful to meet you Papi, glad t' have ya." You said with a wide, dopey smile. You started to wander back to your tent. "I'll grab the balls and we can try the juggling contest again!" Popee nodded as you turned your head and ran into the tent. You sat on your knees and thought for a second. Before you stood up to go back out you left the card in your bag. No use carrying it with you. You pulled it out of your pocket and realized it had been crushed. You didn't realize how strong your grip on it was earlier. It was fine. You tossed it in the bag, grabbed the balls, and walked out.

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