Le spice ✨

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You were about to open the curtain to the tent, when suddenly, a gloved hand popped in through the door. You stopped dead in your tracks. You saw the sun head piece first, then his face, and then his whole body, until Papi was standing in front of you, blocking the exit.

"Uhm," You mumbled awkwardly. "Uh, can I help y-you?" You gulped. You didn't realize how close you two were standing. He was quite a bit taller than you, so you were about eye level with his chest. You didn't realize you were staring at it until he lifted your chin and motioned to his eyes, as if to say "my eyes are up here."

You paused a second, in slight shock. Your eyes widened and you blushed, burying your face in your chest in embarrassment."S-SORRY, I DIDN'T MEAN TO-" You covered your face with your arm and tried pushing past him to get to the door, wanting nothing more than to be out of that awkward situation, when a strong, stiff arm reach out and stop you. There was a moment of confused silence and you look up at him.

He was looking down at you, his big, dark eyes meeting with yours. You stepped back and he started nearer. Each step you took back he took closer, until you felt the canvas of the tent on your back and you cant go any further. You bow your head into your arm and shut your eyes tight, almost like you're shielding your face. You look up after a second and see he's stopped and is looking down at you, the same blank expression plastered on his face. He reaches down and grabs your arm, lowering it gently as to tell you he's not going to hurt you.

You feel a sudden sense of safety and you calm down. He brushes his hand along your cheek, catching you off guard. You jump back in shock. He looks at you, his position in the same place it was, as if waiting for you to move back and rest your cheek in his hand. You touch the spot he touched your cheek and you realized how hot your face was. You looked in a small pocket mirror and it seemed your entire face was a slowly dimming shade of red and pink. You hold your face to cover it, but he reaches forward once more, grabbing your wrists this time.

He lowers them and looks into your eyes. His are a warm shade of dark brown, almost black. You caught yourself zoning our, drowning in his (gorgeous) eyes. You try to pull away but he doesn't intend on letting go quite yet. You paused and looked at him with questioning eyes. "W-Huh?..." He leaned his face in close to yours. You felt his warm breath just barley escaping from the small slit of his open mouth. It only flustered you more. He reached further up your arm, leading his hands to your shoulders. He wasn't holding on tight anymore, in fact, barley at all. But you didn't want to pull away now. It was almost like he had hypnotized you. He got even closer, his hands sliding down around your lower back, in a loose hug. Your foreheads were almost touching at this point. You know something was about to happen....

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