3. Strike

18 0 0

TW: includes minor cursing

Jamie sat up in bed. It was a beautiful morning, the rich, refreshing aroma of freshly cut grass stimulated his mind with every inhale, the birds outside his window sang in harmony and comforted him like a lullaby, and the sun streamed into his bedroom, enveloping him in a warm hug. It was all so perfect, so heavenly, it made it nearly impossible to leave bed.

Eventually, the empty feeling in Jamie's stomach won over, and he dragged himself out of bed and meandered downstairs. His mother was sitting at the kitchen table staring down at some papers and periodically punching numbers into a calculator, then writing something on a notepad. "Good morning" Jamie mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

His mother's head shot up, and she gave her son a puzzled look as she replied "Jamie, honey, I wasn't expecting you to be up this early"

"It's a Monday, I have to leave for school in half an hour" Jamie furrowed his brow, concerned. He could see redness in her eyes from crying only a couple of minutes ago.

"I didn't really think you would want to go today after..." she trailed off, dropping her gaze to the papers in front of her once more.

"After what?" Jamie paused and waited expectantly for a reply. He looked at the notepad his mom was currently staring at. The top of the page read "Funeral costs". "Oh," Jamie said flatly as most of last night came flooding back. He sat down, suddenly feeling too weak to stand, and the soreness in his back became present once more. As he tried to soak everything in, he yearned to be back in bed, clueless and without the burden of last night filling his mind so much that it began to pound.

"Listen, I already talked to your teachers about what's going on, so you don't have to worry about getting in trouble for missing school," Jamie's mom said, returning her gaze back to her son. Jamie remained silent. "Hey, it...it's going to be okay," she said, a little unsure of herself. She placed her hand on Jamie's and gave it a quick squeeze. Jamie pulled away, abruptly standing up and storming back upstairs. "Sure" he mumbled, slamming his door closed. He hated that she was trying to be positive right now. How were things supposed to be okay? His sister was dead. There was no changing that.

• • •

It was 1:30pm. Jamie had been laying in bed all day, ignoring his mom when she knocked on his door. He didn't want to talk about it, if he talked about it then he'd have to accept it. He was nowhere near ready for that. He'd accept it once Emmy's killer was locked up, or better yet, dead. But for now, he stayed in his room, passing the day away just thinking. He finally rolled out of bed and tip-toed downstairs to grab some food, praying that his mother wouldn't hear him. Jamie shoved a sleeve of crackers in his pocket and turned around to make his way back upstairs, but halted when he saw his mother standing there.

"Jamie please-" she began, taking a few steps towards him.

Jamie cut her off, "Just stop, mom! Stop trying to be positive about it, stop telling me it's going to be okay!" He continued, his voice becoming gradually louder the more he spoke, "It's not okay! I don't want it to be 'okay'!" His mother took a deep breath, looking defeated. Jamie made his way towards the front door and threw on his ratty nikes.

As Jamie reached for the handle, his mother asked, "Where are you going?"

"Out," he replied flatly and shut the door before she could say anything else. He hopped on his bike and rode off, feeling the cool fall breeze tingle on his burning skin. He pedaled hard, anger pulsing through his veins.

Jamie arrived at his highschool in record time and waited in the parking lot for the bell to ring. The doors flew open, and a crowd of loud teenagers poured out of it. Jamie spotted his friends in the sea of sweaters and bell bottom pants, and waved them over.

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