Chapter 9: A trip?

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Alice's P.O.V

Both me and daddy are sitting on the couch, I'm laying upside down, my feet are facing up and my head is 5 centimetres over the ground, as daddy is just staring into thin air...

"I'm Bored!" I said.

"What do you want to do?" He asked.

"I donno, maybe we could go on a trip?" I ask.

"What kind of trip?" He asks.

"I donno," I said once more, then I sat up properly.

"I'm hungry," I said.

"But we had breakfast like 2 hours ago," and daddy.

"Yeah, exactly, a human ha stage right to get hungry after 2 hours of eating..." I said.

"Okay, get dressed," answerd daddy as he got up and started heading for the stairs.

"Where are we going?" I asked, following him.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out," he said.

"Sooo.... you don't know?" I question him tilting my head in confusion.

"Precisely," he replied.

"Okay???" I reply but Its kind of more like a question.

I go upstairs to my room and I get dressed into this:

I go upstairs to my room and I get dressed into this:

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(Imagine her hair is ginger)

I go downstairs and I see daddy waiting for me.

We End up going to a fancy restaurant, but then, someone comes and sits next to us and I recognize him the second I look at him.

"Uncle Chris!" I said hugging him.

"Hey there squirt," he said hugging me back. "So are you exited to watch Thor: The Dark World?"

"I've watched it already with daddy!" I said.

"Oh have you now," he said, while raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah! I got an early screening of the movie, as daddy would call it," I replied.

"And what do you think of it?" He asked.

"I need a next part to the movie!!!!!!" I said.

"That my flower is a classified file," said daddy, then uncle chris whispered something in my ear, "I might be able to sneak the file and show it to you, just dont tell your dad."

"Really?" I ask whisper.

"Really," he whispers back.

"What are you too whispering about?" Daddy asks.

"Nothing!" We both reply sitting properly back.

"Sometimes I actually wonder If your the god of mischief, Chris," said Daddy.

Then, our food arrives, and we sit and eat.

"Uncle Chris?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He replies.

"If you we're to go on a trip were would it be?" I ask.

"Probably the beach or something," he replied.

"That's actually a good idea," I said.

"When do I not come up with good ideas?!" Said Uncle Chris.

"All. The. Time." Said daddy, and I laughed and Uncle Chris put his hand on his heart and acted hurt.

'The beach... huh that's a good idea,' I thought.

Then I snapped back to reality, and continued eating.

A/N Helli my nuggets, sorry for not updating in a while but I'm in A HUGE, author's block, letsjust say all my ideas have been used in my other books and some I'm storing for the next one, so if you have ANY requests PLEASE make sure to tell me, because that really helps like ALOT, thank you and, 'till next time my nuggets ~Leena

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