Chapter 21: There's Another Hiddleston?!

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Tom's P.O.V

So now Alice and I just arrived at where we will doing the interviewer.

"Hello Everyone, I'm Tom hiddleston and I have an announcement to make today, as most of you saw I have been posting a little girl on my Instagram, for a few years now, and Today I'd like to introduce you to her," I said, as Alice came in and she sat next to me.

"Hello, I'm Alice Hiddleston, I am 9 and a half years old, and I'm Tom's daughter," She said.

Speaking that  this is live, fans started sending questions.

"So from Gracie453 is she the same person taht wrote The witch of Nogola, Amazing 0lay by the way,  because I was there on the opening night and it looks like her," said the interviewer.

"Yes, I wrote The Witch of Nogola, and thank you," She replied.

"Okay second question is from Louis_Robinso296 what school does she attend?"

"She attends Westwood greenhill school, her 5th year starts after the vacation," I answerd.

"User027 Is she on Griffins or Ravens?"

"RAVENS SQUAD!" She answers.

30 minutes later...

"That was fun!" She said.

When we arrive home Alice goes and takes a shower, then she comes downstairs.

"Now, what should we have for dinner today??" I ask.

She eyes me....

I eye her back....

We both nod...

"PIZZA!!!" We both shout in the same time.

"DID I HEAR PIZZA?!" I Hear Chris's (h) booming voice enter the apartment.

"UNCLE CHRIS!!!" Alice says as runs of.

Alice's P.O.V

I stop dead in my tracks when I see India.

"INDIA!!!" I shout as I run towards her.

"ALICE!!!" Whe shouts at the exact same time and Also runs towards me.

We both meet at the middle and hug each other.

For the rest of the day India, Uncle Chris, daddy and I watch movies, and eat pizza.

Now I can't wait until friday....

A/N Hello my nuggets, I know the chapters are very short, sorry 'bout that.




'Till next time my nuggets ~Leena

Another Hiddleston? (Adopted By Tom Hiddleston)Where stories live. Discover now