Chapter 22: Yes day....

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Tom's P.O.V

Once it strikes 6 A.M. I feel 2 small bodies and 1 big one jump on my bed.

"Daddy *jump* wake *jump* up *jump*" I heard alice say.

"Wake up mate!" Chris said.

"Come on uncle Tom!" India said.

"Whyyy are you waking me up at SIX IN THE MORNINGGGG," I said putting a pilliow on my head.

"Beacuse daddy its yes day remeber!" Alice said as they all jumped down from the bed and I turned around facing them, "Annndddd I wanna do your make up!!!"

"Hold up, wait WHAT...." I said.

"Yeah! And I'm also doing papa's make up!" India said, as Chris had the same expression as me.

"But I'm on your side!" He said.

"Yeah! But where's the fun in that?!?!?" Both Alice and India said in the same time.

Currently Chris and I are sitting down as the girls are putting make up on us....... greaattt (note the sarcasm :)

"Annnndddd done!!" They both said.

Chris and I look in the mirror, I have green glitter on my cheeks, silver and brown eye shadow which is put..... TERRIBLE..... I also have bright red lipstick on and my hair is tied in at least 30 different hair ties each one a diffrent color.

Chris.... he's practically the same exept that he has blue glitter on his cheeks, gold and white eyeshadow, his hair is also tied like mine, and he also has red lipstick.

"What do you think?" They ask with evil grins.

"Never in my life.... have I ever... wanted to wash my face so badly..... like.... ever...." I said.

"A hundred percent agreed mate...... a hundred percent...." Chris said from beside me.

The girls just died from laughter next to us.

"Come on We're hungry, so get dressed and start the car!!!" India said.

Wait aren't we going to remove the make up?!" I ask.

"WHERE'S THE FUN IN THAT?!" Alice yelled as both India and her ean out the door....

God this is gonna be a long day.... could it get any worse....

~Tine skip~

Okay! Okay! Remeber when I said could it get any worse?! It tot worse a LOT LOT WORSE!

Chris and I are currently running from a mob of fans and paparazzi that have even chasing us for the past half hour.....

What got us to this state you may ask....

Well it all happend when we got ready to go and got in the car to get breakfast....

~12 hours earlier/ in the car~

"So what do you guys want for breakfast?" I ask.

"MCDONALDS!" They both exclaim.

"Well then, McDonalds it is!" Said Chris.

After mac, Alice and India made us go pick up, Tom (the new T.H), and Benedict (Ben).

"Where to next?" Asks Chris.

Alice and India start whispering then they both nod their heads.

"The trampoline park!" Said India, as Alice nods in agreement.

Once we arrive and go in, we start by playing dodge ball.

It's me, Chris, and Ben, against Alice, India, and Tom.

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