Chapter 14: Savior

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Seb's P.O.V

"She Can't Swim!" I hear Tom shout.

I quickly dive again into the freezing water, and I find her, just as she let's go of her breath.

I quickly pick her up, and swim back to the surface, Evens, Downy and Hemsworth, went to get towels quickly.

Then Alice spits/coughs out the water, I carry her out holding tight to her, maybe it might keep her warm, we all rush back to the house.

Very quickly obviously, hoping none of us got frostbite, Downy, Evens, and Hemsworth are waiting for us with towels, I quickly warp Alice in a huge towel covering her whole body, and she looks like a baby in a blanket, I also wrap myself in 2 towels, as Tom makes the fire place in the living room on a higher temperature.

I hand Alice over to Tom, and I ask him where the bathroom is he showd me where, both my room, that I'll be staying until I head back to New York, and my bathroom.

I decide to run a hot bath, as Tom will do the same for Alice.

Tom's P.O.V

I take Alice back to her room, and I quickly fill the tub with warm water, and some bubbles, then, I carefully bath her in the tub, and she sneezes, a couple of times, and I think she's catching the cold, bot to mention that she says she's still freezing, and you could see that her lips, still has traces of blue in them.

After 20 minutes, I wash her hair with Shampoo and conditioner, then I get her out, I wrap her in a towel and dress her into something really thick fury and warm.

What she ends up wearing:

What she ends up wearing:

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(Basically everything is fury pink so she can stay warm, and the socks things are black and filled with cotton and fur)

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(Basically everything is fury pink so she can stay warm, and the socks things are black and filled with cotton and fur)

I dry her hair not a single wet hair is left one her head,  I brush it and I tie it in a bun, and I dress her in a robe over the pajamas (pics above), I tie the robe a little tight so it can keep her warm, I also cover her head with both the hoodie of the pajama, and the hoodie of the robe, then I set her down on her bed, and give her the 2 black socks, she wears them, and I pick her up again.

Heading back downstairs, I see everyone on the couch, Sebastian sitting in pajamas and a robe, and the socks, that match Alice's, but he also wrapped a blanket around him, everyone also has changed into their night wear, including me.

I go to the couch, and I sit between Sebastian, and Hemsworth.

Alice crawls on the couch to sebastian, and the distance isn't far speaking that he is literally right next to us, he opens the blanket and she stirs on his lap and he closes the blanket again.

I think he understood that she's still cold.

I hear the temperature in the whole house a little more and no one seems to kind it's cold anyways.

Everyone asks me if she's better, they've only known her for, 9 hours speaking that its 1 in the morning now, but it seems that they have known her for so long, they all love her, and she love them all.

We look at Sebastian, and we see that Alice has fallen asleep, in his embrace, and so has Sebastian, they seem cold, so I go get another blanket and I wrap them in it.

I put my hand on Alice's forehead and it's cold.

Hopefully she dosen't catch a cold.

A/N Hello my nuggets, what do YOU think is go in big to happen next? Anyways how has your day been going? Anyways as always Requests, and ideas for the book are still open, anyways, with that note, 'till next time my nuggets ~Leena

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