Chapter 3

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A fresh new morning. A fresh new plan. Except, it wasn't finished, it was undergoing construction. Slowly by slowly I will learn about Sylvie, until I can finally...destroy her. End her. Kill her. End her. Kill her.

"Loki you're such a damn daydreamer, can't you just concentrate for ONE second?"

"Let me think for a second I'm a goddamn deity for gods' sake!"

"Ok, ok chill, there's no need to be such a short fuse," said Sylvie.

I went downstairs, ate some fruits for breakfast, and briskly walked outside. I took in the view - the empty view of purple mass and swirling pink smoke. I look at the once peaceful timeline, now growing at an alarming rate, like a snake chasing its prey. I turned around and looked at our new housing. The castle was rather unpleasant, and I could tell it had not been cleaned or looked after for hundreds of centuries. The castle was very high up and almost fully black on the outside, and perhaps even a little shiny in areas. It look like black concrete, just clumped together to make a tall, badly architectured castle. So, this was the home of the all-powerful timekeeper. Was. Not really a timekeeper is he? Not really if he can't even stop his own death. I'm glad he's out the way, that a little rat that got all the Loki variants banished from the face of the earth. Well guess what, now he's gone and I'm in charge. NOT the timekeeper and DEFINITELY NOT fucking Sylvie! I make choose what happens now, and I am the all powerful timekeeper. No, scrap that I'm not a lowly timekeeper, I'm Loki, THE Loki. No one can beat me, not anymore, not ever. At least, that's what I thought... Oh gods here comes the bad part...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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