The suprise

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It was just another day in the Sano household. Six year old Manjiro Sano and five year old Emma Sano, had just come back from martial arts practice to see their father sitting at the table. Just then their older brother Shinichiro Sano had just walked in. He was confused, that's when they heard some shuffling around. They looked towards their father and saw he was holding something. A BABY!?!? They all looked at their father inquisitively. He then told them to sit down.
Mr Sano: I know you are all confused but this baby is your new sister, Nakine Sano.
Shinichiro: Where is her mother?
Mr Sano: Unfortunately her mother, Sanae Brown, died while giving birth to her, so now she is going to live with you.
Emma and Mikey were surprised with the news but happy nonetheless. Mr Sano handed Nakine to Shinichiro and left. Surprisingly she didn't cry she just opened her eyes and looked around. She looked towards Mikey and made grabby hands towards him, he was surprised that she wanted him instead. He picked her up and went to the dojo along with Emma to show his grandfather their new family member. As soon as he saw they were holding something he made everyone stop moving.
Grandfather: Who is this?
Emma: She's our new sister, Nakine.
Their grandfather sighed as his son had gotten another woman pregnant.
Grandfather: Can I hold her?
Mikey was reluctant at first because he was starting to get attached to her, but handed her to him.
When Grandfather looked at her she kind of looked like Emma and she didn't really cry. He told all of the kids in the class to come meet his new granddaughter, Nakine. They thought she was so adorable even though she was sleeping after a while he dismissed the class and went into their house.
Over the two years she had spent with them they learned that she was a quiet baby and really appreciated her. At three years old, Shinichiro brought Nakine to meet her adopted brother, Izana Kurokawa.
Izana:Hi Shinichiro!
Shinichiro: Hi Izana.
Izana looked down at the sleeping toddler .
Izana: Who is she?
Shinichiro: She is Nakine Sano, my little sister.
Nakine woke up from they talking and looked at Izana's eyes.
Izana was taken aback but was happy she liked his eyes. Nakine motioned for him to pick her up and he complied. He showed her around the place he lived and they went on a walk around the city. They stayed out all day and they were both happy to have met each other. Over the next three years, they hung out more and more and Izana started to form a sibling relationship with her, even stronger than the one that he had with Emma. Nakine also spent a lot of time with her biological siblings and her grandfather when she started taking martial arts classes. Mikey also introduced her to the founders of Toman and she became friends with them. She had just started school and that's when she met Amar Carter. Unlike everyone else, he was chill and interesting. That's when she developed her first crush. Little did she know he felt the same. She introduced herself and they quickly became friends because they had compatible personalities. She wanted to make other friends and that's when she came across Kisaki Tetta and Tacibana Hinata.
Nakine: Hi my name is Nakine Sano, what's your names?
Hinata: I'm Hinata and he is Kisaki, it's nice to meet you!
Kisaki waved at you and you waved back.
Nakine: Do you guys want to be my friends?
Kisaki and Hinata: Sure!
That's how their friendship started. Nakine had spent more time with Amar and they started dating when they were seven. Mikey wasn't estactic about this, as he wanted to protect his sister, but came to accept him about they talked to each other. On the other hand, Emma was overjoyed for her little sister and was super supportive. Shinichiro was okay with it as long as he didn't break her heart. Her relationship with Hinata and Kisaki grew closer until Takemichi Hanagaki saved Hinata from some bullies, although he got beat up trying to protect her she still appreciated the effort and they started dating. Kisaki was devastated everyone knew how obsessed Kisaki was with Hinata and for her to pick someone else over him messed him up entirely. He could no longer be friends with Hinata. Fortunately, he had Nakine and Amar to keep him level-headed and he did not fall into the dark side. Nakine and Amar started going on dates and spending more time with each other. Little did Nakine know, in a couple of months her life would change in just one night.

The youngest Sano siblingWhere stories live. Discover now