The accident

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Shinichiro had asked Nakine if wanted to go check on his shop with him and she happily agreed even though today was mikey's birthday, she still wanted to ask if he could take her to get him a present.When they arrived they saw baji already there and he seemed shocked when all of a sudden Kazutora hit Shinichiro in the back of the head causing him to fall down and die. Nakine was terrified and let out a blood curdling scream, to shocked to do anything, but weep over her now deceased brother. Kazutora and Baji ran over to mikey while Nakine called for an ambulance. When Mikey got there he saw his dead brother in the arms of his terrified little sister in tears and the whole scene broke his heart. The fact that his brother was now dead and that his little sister who had never cried in front of him before, was now in full blown tears.
Nakine: Big brother please help him!
All of a sudden the ambulance arrived and they took Shinichiro to the hospital. He was pronounced dead and Nakine was devastated. She stayed in her room for a week. The only person that could get through to her was Amar. He was the one who made sure that she ate and her siblings were grateful for him. One week later was Shinichiro's funeral and everyone was super sad, especially Nakine. He was such a good big brother to her and even trusted her with his biggest secret about Izana. She stayed at the casket long after the funeral was over along with her siblings. They all hugged each other before they went outside and Mikey promised to himself that he would always protect his sisters. A couple days after the funeral Nakine went to go visit her other brother Izana and he hugged her because he knew how sad she was and he truly cared about her. She then handed him and a piece of paper. It was from Shinichiro and it contained what he had been keeping from Izana. Izana was conflicted and he didn't want to lash out in front of his little sister, but the letter still made his heart ache. Nakine leaned foward and hugged Izana. He really appreciated Nakine for always being so compassionate and he wished she could live with him instead of her other siblings, but he understood her position. He let her know that he wouldn't be around for a long time and gave her a bracelet to always remember him by. She understood and wished him nothing but the best, he was her brother after all. She left and went home to her siblings Mikey and Emma.

sorry this is short :(

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