Meeting Father

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Today was the day Mr. Sano was visiting his children. It had been years since he's even seen then so he knew he'd be surprised, especially his youngest daughter since he hasn't seen her since she was 3 years old. He was just pulling up to his house, it looked just as when he left. When he walked in he saw his son and his oldest daughter watching television. When they looked over at him Emma jumped up and went to hug their father, while Mikey just stared at him, judging him for not being a good father to his sisters.
Mr. Sano- Hello Emma, Mikey
Emma- Hi father!
Mr. Sano- Where's my youngest child?
Mikey- She's in her room sleeping.
Mr Sano made his way to his daughters room. It seemed like she was having trouble sleeping, he sat next to her and put his hand on her forehead, she was burning up. He went downstairs to get some medicine and caught the glare of his youngest son.
Mikey- Y'know she was so excited to see you, and I still can't understand why.
Mr. Sano was shocked, even though he was always busy with work, his daughter still loved him. He went to get the medicine and went back upstairs.
Mr. Sano- Nakine, wake up.
He said whilst softly shaking her.
She sat up confused, but when she realized it was her fathers voice she hugged him.
Nakine- Hi dad.
Mr. Sano- Hi, don't sit up so fast next time, I don't want you to pass out.
Nakine- Ok dad.
For the rest of the day Mr. Sano took care of his daughter :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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