Fire, Water, Thunder, Sound! These Powers Will Illuminate Though Darkness!

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Tassel: "Bonne Lecture! Everyone it's me Tassel!" Tassel is next to his book case. He looks up and down then finally takes a book and walks to his table.

Tassel: "Y/N L/N has made a new friend. Ume the Fox faunus! But a problem with Y/N L/N has came up dealing with his friends. Jaune not wanting to be weak anymore has made a wedge in his friendship with everyone. During that time a Megid has attacked the school again! Y/N and his friends work together to stop the threat! Y/N and Team Logos fought against Calibur while their friends fought the Shimi. While distracted by their fight against Calibur the Megid was able to trap their friends expect Ame. Before the fight Y/N had an idea he took Hayate and gave it to Ame allowing her to become a Kamen Rider! They save Ume's team, Jaune's Team, and the rest of the school! Jaune finally realizing he was wrong apologized to his team and Rina removing the wedge in their friendship! Awww I'm so happy they are getting along again. Now Touma has thought of an idea. What is this idea? I wonder..." Tassel places the book he grabbed from the book case on his table. The book is titled "Legends of the King of Camelot."

(If the video doesn't show up it's Kamen Rider Saber's opening)

Team Logos and Ume are standing in the training arena. Sora and Glynda are standing in front of them.

Glynda: "You five have been brought here today for extra training." Sora points at Team Logos.

Sora: "You four have been training with your Seiken longer than Ume. Teaching her how to use a Seiken is our first hurdle the second one is team work."

Glynda: "You four are a team, you have been working together since the beginning of the school year. Ume has her own team and won't be able to train alongside you. After every extracurricular class about Megid, you all will come here for team training."

Sora: "I will be teaching you how to truly use your Seiken and swordsmanship. Miss Glynda here will be teaching all of you teamwork and Semblances." Sora looks at Glynda who nods to him.

Glynda: "You five are the only ones who can defeat the Megid. We can only teach the other students to survive and protect the civilians. All of you need to be tip top shape to defeat the Megid."

Sora: "Now then let's begin." Sora stabs his giant sword on the floor. After a few hours Y/N, his team, and Ume are on the ground exhausted.

Glynda: "I think that's enough physical training." Sora removes his ride book from his giant sword to lose his rider form.

Sora: "Alright, Miss Glynda you may take the lead." Glynda stands next to Sora.

Glynda: "Go to the showers and come back." The riders go showers to wash the sweat off them. Once clean they go back to the training arena. Glynda starts the lesson on semblances. The riders finish there extra training and are heading back to their rooms.

Rina: "Semblances are very interesting."

Kousuke: "So everyone in this world has a Semblance but they need to unlock Aura to unlock their semblance?"

Ume: "Correct! I've been training ever since I was born. I was able to unlock both at a young age."

Rina: "Oh Y/N you should take this." Rina hands Y/N the Jackun to Domamenoki ride book.

Rina: "Since you're able to use three ride books I think it would better for you have this." Y/N takes the Jackun to Domamenoki ride book from Rina.

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