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[Katalina's POV]

December 14
9:02 AM

"I missed you, hon," Dad said to Mom when she arrived and hugged her.

"I missed you too."

I took a step, ready to hug her like what they did but... I feel shy so I just went back to where I am.

I think it will be awkward, she will not hug me back.

I will just say that I missed her. That will be fine, right?

"M-mom," I stuttered, feeling nervous. The smile that curved her lips were now gone the moment I called her. Gosh, Katalina, this is not the time to get nervous, just say it and it's done. "I missed you too po," finally.

She looked at me for, I think, five seconds and nodded.

I breathed a sigh of relief as she took her eyes off me.

That's how she treated me every day. I'm even lucky now because she looked at me, if it's just a normal day, she will ignore me and think that I'm just a wind.

"Hi, Tita Patrice, I think Daddy has already told you... about me?" Aria slowly asked.

"Yes, Aria, and I understand it," Mom answered and smiled at her.

"Really, Tita? So... Is it okay for you for me to stay here?"

"It's all fine with me, hija. Don't worry about it, I actually feel happy 'cause I'm considering you as my daughter."

I wonder how Mom accepted all of this?

"Thank you, Tita! By the way, how have you been?"

"Doon nga muna tayo sa sala at mukhang marami tayong paguusapan, nangangalay na ako," Dad suddenly said and the two laughed, then they went to the living room... and left me here...

'I'm actually feel happy because I'm considering you as my daughter.'

What about me? Were you also happy that I am your daughter? Or did you ever consider me as your daughter?

Instead of going to the living room, I went straight to the kitchen to get some bread and juice, I will give these to them.

"Food po." I smiled a little at them and put the food at the center table, they just continued talking to each other.

Hay. Am I a wind again? Nevermind.

I went back to the kitchen and sat on one of the stools there. I took one spanish bread and started eating it.

Seeing them from here, happily talking and laughing... pained me. I am not part of it, how I wish I'm one of the reasons why Mommy's happy.

Did Mom hug me like what she did with Aria?

Did Mom laugh with me like that?

Did Mom smiled at me like that?


I turned my back from them because it really hurts me. It's like Aria's her daughter and I am not.

I suddenly feel that I shouldn't be here.

Katalina, stop thinking about it. Stop those thoughts, it will not help you. Your Mom will eventually love you. They're just really close to each other.

Yup, that's right. I nodded.

I turned around again to get a spanish bread and I almost fell when I saw Mom, putting water in her glass.

Mom raised an eyebrow when she saw my shocked faced so I quickly removed it, this is so embarrassing.

"How are you... and your study?" Mom asked... me? Really?

"Uhm. I'm fine and my grades too." She nodded.

"I saw one of your new friend's post, did they went here?" Oh, she knows... but how did she saw that?

"Y-yes po," I said nervously. I didn't tell it to her, or Dad, because she might not allowed us.

"The next time you will do it again, let me know, okay?" She said, I nodded and breathed a sign of relief after she went back there.

Mom asked me. She did. Omg. Is this a sign? That there still a chance that Mom will love me and I should not give up.

And this time, I will do it on my way. I will still do my responsibility as a daughter of hers but I will also follow my wants, not theirs.

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