263 15 8


January 08
8:15 PM

K @alonektln (private)
Things are turning out good, I'm happy.

K @alonektln (private)
She's noticing me. She's asking about me. She finally not treating me a wind. It's an achievement for me.

K @alonektln  (private)
Like... she cares for me? She loves me?

K @alonektln (private)
Well, I still feel the gap between me and Mom but I slowly filling it with my love for her. Cheesy but yes hahaha.

K @alonektln (private)
We still don't have classes, it will start on next next week.

K @alonektln (private)
And I think Mom will go back to her work the same day our classes will start.

K @alonektln (private)
So I still have a week :)

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