Chapter 5 : [ --]

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Mark 's pov


When the bus is gone now ..

" I dont know where should i go .. " I said in my self

I hear some familliar voice of mens ..

" Hey ! Do you have some chixs ? bro ? " Guy 1

" Hahaha I have MANY dude ! but they all mine ~ MINE ONLY ! " guy 2

" Hahaha Just give me one ! " Guy 1

" I have ! Do you want to meet her already ? " guy 3

" OF COURSE ! " Guy 1

Ow ~ The guys that we played is Seoul ? Is here ? .. Why dont i ask them if they want to play a game with me ? .. Should i ask ? .. Im just Bored Girls ~ Dont worry for my VERY PRETTY HANDSOME FACE hahahaa

" Hey ! what a coincide ! you are here to ! " I shout to the guys

" ow ! only you ? MARK YIENTUAN ?! " Guy 2

" Well .. Not really ~ " i said

" Hahahaa ~ This is very easy for us ! " guy 3

" Do you want to call them ? Im just asking ? " I said and smirk

" Scared to us ? " Guy 1

" HAHAHAHA !!! Well you know me ! " I said

" Well .. Fight us ! " Guy 1

" SURE ! But Catch me first ! FCKKERS ! " i shout

and i run faster as i can ..

" HAHAHAHA !! SLOW HANDS DUDES ! " I shout will running

I dont where i am right now .. See some house then i ran in the one house that the gate is open .. i come in and !

" JACKPOT ! " I said

I see the door and its open ! .. I enter and look at the room .. i see some picture

" Oh?! " i said

its ... its nahee ? .. i see her picture with the guy .. i think its here Boyfriend ? ... but the guy looks familiar .. never mind =_=..

" Im thristy ... " I said and i hear some going down stairs thats why .. i hide in the under of table

Ohh!! Its NAHEE !

I tried to move the chair but it makes noise ... and its scares her .. Hahahaha i like this moment ! . I move gaian the chair

*krriiiikkkkkk ... *

Hahahaha XD she looks pretty scared right now * ENngggggg~!! *

HAHAHAHA .. she run faster as she can get the bottle of water

" what is that !!? " Nahee ask her self

she run as faster to go in her room and of course i ran to as fast i can catch her ... but im wrong .. she run really fast , she can really beat flash XD

*Knock * KNoch *

" Who is there ? " she ask

But i didn't answer and any minute ... she slowly open the door and i push it but her face cant explain in her shock

" MARK ?! " I said

I put my hands in her mouth to keep quit .. and push her in the room

" What the F.---- what are you doing here ?! " she ask angry

" I just need to hide and i dont know that you live here .. " i said

" WHAAT !! KIDDING ME ?! i Oppa Jin see you he will kill you and of course me too ! " Nahee said ..

Wait ... Brother ? ..

" SHHHH!!! " Mark said

and any minute i hear the guys are shouting ..

" YAAAHH !!! MARK TUAN !! COME OUT ! " guy 3

" Yaaah ! what did you do ? " she ask

" I just want to play with them " i said with bright smile

" Just go back to sleep .. and im just go later just let me rest for a while .. " I said ..

" Okay ... here .. Water drink it " she said and give the bottle

" Gomawo .. " i said , i pat her head and she go back to her bed

any minute .. i look at Nahee ... and i see his angelic face .. his soooooooo beautiful ..

I just look any minutes at here and before i leave i kiss here forehead ..

" Sleep well nahee .. See you in seoul " I said and smile

then i open here window , i see the tree and i jump to go down ..

" Im going now in the hotel .. i know that guys are thinking about me .. they love me so much hahaha .. " I said while wait the bus ..

its already 6:00 .. thats why some bus are driving in this way ..

[ Hotel ]

" Hyung !! " Jr.

" Oh? " I said

" Where have you been ?! " Jr ask me

" Hmm.. i have play some guys ... do you remeber the guys that we played in seoul ? They here .. " i said while laughing

" Haaay ~ ... Hyung .. you never change ! Promise ! " Jr. said

" Araso ~! .. O! where's the others ? " i ask

" Upstairs ... Some are fixing already and others are eating .. " Jr. Said

" Ohh~ I want to eat first ... Im starving .. " I said

" Aiigooo ~ Kkaja ! me too.. im hungry ! HAHAHA " Jr. Said

and after we eat .. i go upstairs , go wash , change clothes and fix my things ..

" Hyung !! Ppaliyo ! " yugyeom said

" araso ! Im going down now wait .. " i said

then any minute i called Jackson to help me ..

[ Van ]

" Yaah hyung! what happen too Lei ? " bambam ask

" Well.. we just sing in the bar and drink . " I said

" REALLY . THATS ALL ? " They ask me in course ..

I know what are they thinking .. =_= .. Byuns ..

" Yahhh ! That's are first met ! " I said

" Why are you Blushing ? " Jb ask me ..

" WHAAAAT ?! " I Shout

" HAHAHAHA !! " they laugh

Gosh .. well i really feel hot .. i hate this guys ..



( Author's Note : )

Hey there ! Sorry for super late update :D and short update ? Kekeke.. and good news !! I can update easier right now !! Cause my father buy a new desktop XDD

Yiieeeppiee ~! XD

Naah~ I hope you stll Read this ^_________^ Please !! PLEASE !! Support and keep read this !




Xoxo .


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