Chapter 10 : [How ?]

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Lei's Pov .

" Seriously ?! " They ask me

" Yeaah ~ .. that time i dont know what im going to do . " I said and bured my face in my desk

Its already lunch but i dont have energy to eat .

" did you ask mark ? " Allesya ask

" im going to repe- " i said

" Okay ~ Stop it already .. " Hana said

" Wae ? " We ask

" Its already 1 pm we need to go now it gym " Hana said

We stand up and walk to the changing room .

" 143 .. 143 ? .. Oh ! " I said when i found my locker

When we found already our locker we change our clothes , i ponytail my hair because i know we are going to sweat later . After we change we go now in the gym , but daye come to me and ask me something .

" Hey gurl ~ , I dont see your prince .. " Daye said

" Prince ? who ? " I ask

" Aiigoo this girl ! Of course Mark ! " Daye said

" Ohh .. Why prince ? " I ask

" Seriously ? aiishh never mind .. " Daye said and walk faster

" What's wrong at daye ?" Jb ask

" Oh ! .. I dont know etheir .. " I said

when we reach the gym .

" Woaahh .. what is happening here ?" ashley ask

" Oh ? Basketball ? " I said then point at the billboard

" woaahh .. " We said

" Ahh ! Chingus i get going ! " Hana said

" Okay ! Hwatting " Allesya said and we nodded

" Let's sit there ! " Daye said

" Oh ? " allesya said

" Wae ? " we ask

" Who is that girl flirting at mark ? " Alleysa ask

" Really ? " We ask and were looking for the girl who told alleysa ..

" I already find it ! " Daye said

" Where ?! " We ask

" at the bench ! " Ashley said

Then i already see it .. I feel my chest is hurting , but i dont even know why ? .. Why?

" Who is her ?! how dare she flirt at Lei's prince ?! " Ashley said

" Yaaah ! Hajima , Correction his not my Prince ! " i said

" Tskk.. Liar " They said in chorus

What is the problem of this girls ..

" Look its Hana ! " The guy behinde me said

" Waah .. she's really pretty .. " guy 2

" Lets talk at her later ! " the guy 1 said

" Sure ! " guy 2 said

Waah .. Hana is getting famous , but she's really famous because of his beautiful face .. She join cheerleader at basketball team which the GOT 7 are playing .. Wait ! So that means hana will going to know what is the name of the girl ?! / Shining eyes /

" Yaah ! What are you thinking and your eyes is shining ? " Alleysa ask

" I know how can we know what is the name of the girl .. " I said and smirk

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