Chapter 2 : [ Mr. Famous ]

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Mark's Pov

Where here in the front of our agency and going somewhere well i dont know if where . We ride in the van to go ... they said we are going in province ..

" hyung what do we needto go there ? " Bambam said

" well as i know mr. Park just say we need to go there for some air . " Jb said

Waaah how many days or week we are going to debut atleast !! I feel my eyes are getting heavy .. i think i should sleep first ..

= After a Hour =

" where here !! " Jackson

"  waaah my butt is hurt " yugyeom

" Hahaha poor maknae ! " Jr.

" Aiisshhh hyung !! * acting like going to hit jr. * " Bam bam

Then they run and run until they are catching thier breath

" Sow hom many days are we going to stay here ? " i ask

" i think 2 o 3 days only .. " Jb said

" What ??!! " we said in chorus

" yaaah do you guys real need to say in chorus ?! " jb ask serious .. but he laugh

= Hotel =

" This is our room guys! " YoungJae

" wow daebak ~ " Jr

" its really big ... " i said

" ok go pack all of your clothes then we are going to mall ok ? " Jb

" Nae ! " we answer

Well i just hang in the cabinet all of my important thing .. after a few minutes i

just finish and i look around the room its really big and beautiful furnitures .. i look at the terace to see the beach , the water color is very clear ...

" Want to swim later hyung ? " Jr said

" hmm ... i dont think so " i said

We heard Bambam is Shouting to call us to go now ...

While riding in the car jackson played I need a girl by Taeyang .. We burts our laugh when we are singing then the drivr that we are here in mall .. its very huge mall and lot of people , of course i bring my mask to hide my self because im famous in our school its to hard to be a famous , sometimes the girls are going to shout , having taking all my picture , Always stalking me , and BASHING ME !  Aiisshhh i hate my life ..

" Hey lets play on the timezone !! " Jr.

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