Chapter 18 : [ make you smile prt. 2 ]

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Mark's Pov

The day i see nahee with jinyoung , i dont know how to describe my feelings . I feel Hurt , Angry , and jealous , because he can talk to nahee like that and he can meet her . I know jinyoung like nahee but i dont want to defeat , i dont want to lose my love . Even i dont talk to her , i still like her .. no Love her . but i cant do anything to say that , because of fake rumor and stupid mind of our company .

The hell ! / sigh / . But i think i must pick first my career .. why do they need to -

" HYUNG ! " yugyeom shout

" WHAT ?! " i shout

they look at me .

" You are spacing out again .. " Yugyeom said

" / sigh / mian .. " i said

" Its okay .. " jb hyung said

" dont stress your self / smile / " youngjae said

" Fine fine " i said and smile

" Lets go back to practice " Jackson shout

While drink i looked around ..

" Where's Jinyoung ? " i ask

" Urrmm .. " they said in chorus

" why ? " i ask

" He went to amusment park with ... " bambam pause

" O-ohhh ... " i said

(Blank face)

" Hyung dont be angry , jinyoung hyung tried to cheer up .. You know .. " bambam said

" Never mind ... lets do our practice now *smiled* " i shout

and i just see that they nod .

/ after our practice .. /

" Lets go now ! " jb hyung said

we start to pack our things .. but my phone start to ring and i pick it up .

" yeobo-saeyo ? "

' oh ! mark urmm .. i need a favor / sigh / . can you call nahee ? its important .. '

" ohh should i use conference ? "

' Hyung !!!!! ' i heard from other line

' I need to go now !! , just tell her . we cant go home this night , she must go home already . one thing , tell her that .. she must follow the rules that i tell her . thanks !!!!! '

/ beep - beep /

" ohh.. " i said

" who's that ? " jackson said

" its jin hyung . " i said

" oohhh .. then call nahee " jb hyung said

" E-ehh ?! why did you - " bambam said

" No need , its just a favor / smile / " i said

but it makes me nervous ...

i tried to search nahee's number here in my phone .

Lei Nahee Kim


[ Call ]

Any minutes , she already answer it .

' ye-yeobo-saeyo ... '

i miss her voice .

" Your brother call me , that they cant go home to night , you must go home already since its to late now .. * silents * " i said " that's your brother said ... "

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