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They entered the bar in laughter pulling all the attention on them.

Stefania looked up from her drink when she heard some girls entering the bar loudly. Caterina, who was facing the door, smiled at Stefania. "Looks like these three already had way too much fun before even getting here." Stefania, now curious, turned around so she could catch a glimpse of whoever it was Caterina was talking about and instantly wished she hadn't as she saw a familiar face only a few feet away from her. She turned back towards the table, facing Caterina, grabbed her drink, and washed it down in one shot. "Man, what just happened?", Caterina laughed, eyes wide, very very focused on Stefania.

"The three girls that just entered..."

"Hm, what about them?"

"The blonde one, I know her."

"And... is that a bad thing?"

"No, Yeah, I mean, I don't know. I'm probably only telling you this because I'm drunk but I met her this morning and we talked and I couldn't get her out of my mind all day and, you know, only thinking about her drove me crazy. I don't know what this is, probably just a stupid little crush, as I don't even know her but now she's here and I'm here and I'm drunk and she's drunk and I don't know what to do and"

"You're blushing", Caterina laughed. "Go over there. I'm good by myself really, no worries."

"No", Stefania replied with great determination. "I'm drunk. Let's just hope she doesn't see me and we're all good." Stefania tried to turn around as inconspicuously as possible. Wanting to catch one last sight of Danielle. She looked even more beautiful than this morning, standing there in a tight red dress. Stefania's eyes started to wander down her body and back up to her face, a move she wished she had never made. It was at this very moment that brown eyes met blue, looking at each other for what felt like forever, butterflies exploding in Stefania's chest until the Italian finally broke eye contact.

"Jai!!", Danielle shrieked, "that's her. It's her!"

"What?", Jaina was simply confused looking at her best friend jumping up and down.

"Stefania, you dumbass", Danielle replied still not able to focus on anything else than the Italian goddess at the other end of the bar. But she wasn't alone. There was another woman with her. Who the heck is that?? She told me she doesn't know anybody here!

"Earth to Danielle", Jaina interrupted her thoughts.

"Huh?", Danielle replied half-heartedly, eyes still fixated on Stefania's back.

"I said are you sure it's her? I mean you're pretty drunk after all."

"One hundred percent, Jai. She's like one in a million. No one compares to her."

"Um guys, can someone maybe fill me in on what's happening, I'm still here you know", Barrett added from the side.

"You do that Jai because I have to go right now", Danielle added in a rush before heading after Stefania who had just gotten up from her table leaving the other woman by herself.

Stefania stared at herself in the bathroom mirror. Did she look good enough? She had finally made the decision to approach Danielle. Even though she was still worried that it was her drunk self speaking but she knew very well that she wasn't going to be able to sleep tonight if she didn't make that move now. The 'what-ifs' would be bothering her all night and probably longer. Just as she was about to reapply some lipgloss the door to the bathroom opened revealing -"Danielle", Stefania gasped at the sight of the gorgeous blonde now only a few steps away from her. 

one way to LA - a Stefanielle storyWhere stories live. Discover now