Chapter 4

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The Andrews passed their first day in their new household. Quint lazily awoke, pushing himself up from bed with one arm. He had forgotten mostly everything that happened yesterday, until he saw the notebook on his bedside table.

"Hell to the no!" He got up, practically leaping up from bed to distance himself from the supposedly cursed journal. Why was he so paranoid? He never at all believed ghosts existed before, or anything supernatural.

He exhaled, calming himself down from the panic attack. That notebook, even if it hadn't the first night, was going to give him nightmares. Quint was not going to touch it for a good amount of time. He hated that the room was slightly cold too. It was a supposedly warm summer, and he didn't like the implications of this, quickly rushing to the door.

He practically threw himself into the door, but it wouldn't budge at first. Quint was confused, calming himself down some more to solve the situation. He looked at the doorknob, then realized that it had been locked. The teen found that it was phenomenally as cold as his atmosphere as soon as he touched the knob. Quint found uncertainty surging through him as he unlocked it and walked through the door.

He hadn't locked it last night, had he...?

He speedily skipped down the stairs to meet his mother and father, no sign of his sister just yet and her door was still closed. "Morning," He greeted as he entered the kitchen, taking a cereal box from the counter which he and his sister decided on sharing.

"Morning, son," His father waved, a plate of unfinished bacon and rice in front of him, "Your sister awake yet?"

"Probably not, I haven't checked on her," Quint replied, taking a bowl, a spoon, some milk, and combining all four. Putting the cereal before the milk of course.

"You look rushed," His mother pointed out, still frying some bacon.

"I do?" Quint commented, unaware of how alert he was, and unaware of how speedily he tried to eat his cereal. "You do," She nodded, raising an eyebrow at him, "Relax, Quint. You have months before high school starts."

"I know..." He mumbled, slowing down his pace. But it wasn't exactly about high school...

Quint flinched at the sound of the front door being knocked on. Mr. Andrews stood up from his seat and walked over to unlock the door. Quint leaned from his chair, looking out the kitchen to see that the visitors were the moving agents coming in with a few more pieces of furniture. He'd forgotten that the house wasn't fully decked out yet.

"I've been meaning to tell you this morning," Quint's dad addressed his son as soon as he walked back to his seat. He looked up at him questioningly, before Mr. Andrews informed him, "We've got new neighbors comin' in today!"

"Wait, wait, wait," Quint had remembered something, "Are their last names 'Scotch'?"

"I believe so."

"Holy..." Quint quickly grabbed his cereal bowl, downed the milk, and stood up to leave. Hr just remembered something.

"Where you goin', son--?"

But he had already left the kitchen.

Quint passed the agents coming through the door, emerging in the front deck. He noticed that a wooden rocking chair was stationed nearby, but that was not what he was looking for. He hurried down the deck stairs and looked around.

He eyed another moving service truck near the house on the other road, on the right side of the house directly parallel to his, and agents were also carrying out various furniture items. Quint scampered across the road to meet them. He was there for one particular person though, and he was right there near his front door.

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