Chapter One

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I always thought that the worst day of my life was going to be the day I shifted. I was a little bit of an early bloomer for my age. The pain was the worst I have ever felt. Every bone in my body broke as I changed, and it felt like I couldn't control what I was doing. My surroundings got brighter and louder. I could smell and sense everything. The overwhelming feeling would've killed me if I was human.

That wasn't even the worst part, though. It was also the day where I was told my Luna wasn't my mom, but the Alpha was, in fact, my father. It always dawned on me that she hated me, but this was when I figured it out. 

"Your daughter turned before mine." She growled at him. I remember asking what that meant, and that's when my father took me aside and told me. He was an oathbreaker, and I was a bastard. Sure he used nicer terms, but that day was when what seemed to be the entire wolf population of Celenia declared open season on me. Bastard had somehow become my name overnight. As if the little girl Aalia had somehow changed or died.

Turns out the worst day of my life was when I turned 21. 

I woke up after an extremely difficult night sleeping. There was so much banging coming from the room next to me. I don't know what my sister Callisto had gotten up to last night, but it was loud. 

"Good morning Aalia," an Omega maid said to me. "Your father would like me to remind you that you may eat at the table with the family this morning."

"Thank you, I will be there." I wasn't allowed to have maids. The Luna made sure of that. It's not like I ever wanted one of those before. Plus, it just meant that I knew more life skills than Callisto. She never really spent a day training or cleaning.

 I moved from my bed to the dresser to pick out what I would be wearing today. I'm sure Callisto would tell me to wear something sexy because you only turn 21 once. However, I also had training with Dom today and didn't want anything to fall out. I grabbed a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a skin-tight grey tank top. I went to put on my black boots and started for the door when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and cursed.

"Damn." My hair was down. I wasn't allowed to have it down. I started to pull my dark brown locks into two boxer braids, and that's when they began to show. The ugly burden of what I was. My ears were a little larger than most, yes, but that wasn't the problem. They were pointed and, according to Luna Harou, the curse of being a bastard. My punishment for being born is what she said, and that I have to keep them visible at all times, so everyone knows exactly what I am. Once I finished my braids, I quickly ran down to the dining hall.

"I could hear your footsteps from a mile away. If you have any hope of being a warrior, you should be quieter, so you don't get yourself killed." Luna Harou stopped me in the hall. Her dark eyes glared at me as I came closer to the room. She looked straight past me. "Where's Callisto?"

Always a blunt woman. Always only wanting Callisto. After all, she was practically a carbon copy of the once young and beautiful Luna. The Luna's age was starting to show as grey hairs streaked through her long black hair. She began to get little creases around her forehead and eyes. She had no smile wrinkles because she never smiled. Or at least she never smiled at me. It was just a reminder that my father broke his bond with her.

"Probably still asleep; she was up pretty late last night." I sighed.

"By the looks of the ugly bags under your eyes, you didn't sleep either." My stepmother looked disgusted by my eyes, then she looked at my ears and just huffed. "Go get her."

"Sure." I gave her a weak smile and started walking towards to room. Callisto is the perfect daughter. Legitimate. Tall. Beautiful. All her features were perfect-sized and gorgeously complemented her darker completion. Another reminder that she was not like the family. I was pale and had big icy eyes. Sure, I was more toned than her due to all my training with Dom, but I was still a few inches shorter than her, even in heals. I had to face it when I was very young, she was perfect, and I was not.

"Callisto!" I shouted as I knocked on the door. "Callisto! Your mother wants you to come to the dining hall for breakfast."

I started getting angry. She never ignored me like this. Yeah, I was a bastard, but she still treated me like her sister. It didn't mean we were close, but she still treated me with kindness and decency. I heard a thud come from her room, and my loyalty kicked in.

"Callisto!" I kicked the locked door in and accessed the situation. Callisto was in her bed, and on the floor was an Omega cook. I ran over to him while he was getting up and kicked him right back down. I put my foot on his throat, but then Callisto screamed at me.

"Goddess! Aalia! What are you doing?" She yelled, pulling her sheets up over herself.

"Are you okay, Callisto? Are you hurt? Did he do anything to you?" I asked her, not moving anything while he struggled underneath my foot.

"He is my mate Aalia; get off him." She screamed at me; my eyes shot up to meet hers.

"That's not possible. Alpha and Luna promised you to someone else." I moved my foot from the Omega's throat.

"It is; we bonded last night." She told me while the cook gasped for air. I stared at the two of them in horror.

"Great." I breathed heavily. "You may have just killed us all."

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