Chapter 6

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I have never ignored Dom as much as I did on the walk home. For one day, I avoided him answering his questions because I didn't have answers to them myself. It killed me not to be able to just give him a reasonable explanation as to why I was able to kill the fairy or how I avoided her enchantments, but I just couldn't.  The lack of conversation between Dom and me wasn't even the worst part. The other Warriors seemed to resent me even more than before.

I would catch more glares than I cared to admit. It was like my decision to save their lives was an insult to their own existence. The small bastard girl had shown up four highly trained Warrior men.  There was no thank you's coming my way that was absolutely certain.

I could see the stone watchtowers in the distance. I decided now was my time to make a great getaway and ran towards the castle. I could hear Dom's paws pounded against the ground behind me, but I continued to outrun him. He barked at me, probably asking for me to wait for him. I burst through the palace doors and up to my room. Where I shifted back into my other form.

Quickly I got dressed and put my hair into braids for the first time in two days. Since the Luna wasn't around, I figured I didn't have to follow that order, plus the constant shifting would make it more annoying to maintain. I glared at my appearance in the mirror as it donned on me that I could possibly be a Luna one day. After all, I was getting married to the Pure Paw Pack Prince. Wow, imagine saying that five times fast. I looked nothing like a leader. No one would respect me like they would my sister. Let's just hope my personality does irritate the prince to the point where they choose to slaughter the Blood Bone Pack.

I rushed downstairs to find my father. It was his one requirement that allowed me to go on the God Foresaken mission. At least I could brief him on what went down; if any of the other warriors did so, I would probably be made out into a freak. Or worse, they would blame me for everything. I could also warn him that a fairy thinks we have stolen her child.

During the entire run home, that was the one thing that confused me the most. Wouldn't we all know if a fairy child was running around? I mean, their magic alone would have the wolves here acting in a perpetual state of drunkness. Fairies were also looked practically godly; the legends say one look at a fairy can cause you to fall in love with them. If there was a child here, they would have many suitors. I guess that wasn't all that true, considering I didn't fall in love with the lady I just ripped the head off of. Also, it would be against the Treaty to kidnap a member of another faction. If we did have a little winged freak running around here, we would have basically declared war on Fae kind.

I must've been really deep in thought because I rammed completely into an overdressed wall. Like seriously, this guy was huge and wearing a suit. I didn't really have time to be confused by this guy, but he had time to be upset with me.

"Sorry," I muttered and continued down the hall.

"Excuse me!" He shouted in astonishment. I just turned to face him.

Now that I was looking directly at that, I could tell you he was tall like Dom. Unlike Dom, he was not riddled with large muscles; this guy was slender in comparison. Then again, most human bodybuilders were slender in comparison to Dom. He had a dark tan and mid-length black hair. His eyes were almost as black as his hair; they were set perfectly above his square jaw.

"Can I help you?" I rolled my eyes at his own arrogance. He would've been a very handsome man if it wasn't for the fact he was kind of an asshole.

"Do you not know who I am?" He scoffed. Seriously who does this? Like I apologized, and he is still upset.

"An overdressed skyscraper?" He gave me a complete look of horror. I just took that as my sign to turn back around and leave.

"Now, just who do you think you are speaking to me like this?" He shouted back at me.

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