Chapter Five

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I woke up to shouting. It would appear the other warriors were still a little butthurt over my attendance on the mission.

"We should just leave her here!" One yelled at Dom.

"She is just going to slow us down! And probably going to get herself killed." 

I just rolled my eyes at their statements. I wonder when the Luna had time to talk to them into leaving me. Also, had she ordered any to kill me or let me die. 

"Shut up!" Dom silenced the howling wolves. "Aalia is coming with us whether you like us or not."

"She can't even link with us! What happens if she gets lost?" That was an actual concern I had for this mission. 

"Dom has a very distinct scent. I could follow where he goes from at least a mile away." I grunted while getting up from my log. It earned a small laugh from Dom and another Warrior.

"She's not wrong; you stink." The Warrior chuckled, earning a death glare from Dom.

"And you don't, Tobias?" That was what finally shut the Warrior up for good.

"Whatever," I just rolled my eyes and picked up my pack. "Are we leaving now, or do you guys want to continue to debate me being here?"

"Fine." A warrior said before shifting. Dom came up to me while the rest continued their shifts.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that." He sighed.

"I don't care. Let's just go." I walked away before he could say another word and started my shift. I shouldn't have been upset; this kind of thing happened wherever I went. I definitely should not have given Dom an attitude. Still, no matter how many times the pack rejected me, it always hurt.

We all ran through the forest together. I was at the back of the group so I could keep my eyes on them. I didn't know who I could trust besides Dom, and I wasn't going to turn my back on any of my possible assassins.

It wouldn't have been the first time someone had tried to kill me. I have suspected for years that the Luna was behind previous attempts, but I could never prove anything. There was the Omega gardener that attacked me with shears when I was ten. I had been training with Dom, so I got lucky and was able to knock him out before he could kill me. When I was twelve, groups of warriors came at me in wolf form. You should see the scars I still have from that. At fifteen, there was an incident with wolfsbane being fed to me. That attempt to this day was still unsolved. Regardless every few years, without fail, someone tried to kill me.  I hadn't had an attempt on my life in several years, so I figured I was due for one any day now.

Dom howled through the trees, and the rest of the party stopped dead in their tracks. I moved forward to see what they were looking at. It was a body of a child, but not just any child. This was a werewolf pup. He couldn't have been more than eight years old. His dead eyes were instilled with fear. He had been run through with a spear not less than two hours ago. His killer had been a fairy; the stench of its magic was still in the area. I searched around for more bodies but was only met with a message written in the pup's blood.

We are coming for her.

I signaled for Dom to come to look at the writing. Who would kill a child? Who would reach into a little boy's body and use his blood like a writing instrument? I had never wanted to murder a monster more in my entire life. This boy deserved a proper burial not to be discarded in the woods like trash. It appeared Dom had the same idea.

Tobias shifted in front of my eyes. His own were filled with distraught at the gruesome sight. He scooped up the young boy with care and nodded to Dom. I didn't need the wolf connection to know what Dom had asked. Tobias was going to take the body back to the pack and give him the correct send-off. He turned away from the pack and started to make his trek back.

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