Chapter 4

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One thing to note about Celenia is that it is pretty much a moshpit of monsters despite its beauty. Many separate factions could threaten us wolves. There were the fairies, witches, sirens, the occasional vampire, nymphs, and so forth. 

Long about after a great war, the different factions created a peace treaty to end all the death. The treaty basically gave everyone their own responsibilities to the Country of Celenia. Leading came from the Grand Council, which consisted of one representative from every faction. The Pure Paw Alpha was the delegate for the Werewolves, which is why their family was considered royalty.

Border protection and general enforcement were a responsibility given to the wolves. It's because we think we are the strongest creatures and can defeat anything. Even when that really wasn't the case. If one faction or group were getting too out of hand, the werewolves would report it to the council, and the delegate would get themselves under control.

The nymphs and other woodland spirits were given the responsibility of biome upkeep. They are responsible for new growth as well as seasons. Dom once had a fling with a storm spirit, and when it ended badly... Let's say Dom was in for a shocking surprise.

The Fairies were the most unpredictable faction. Half of the time, they were fighting amongst themselves to really ever do their job. If I am going to be honest, I forget what the fairies were supposed to do. I know they are extremely dangerous when they came and attacked our borders. Despite the wolves' great belief in their power, they are extremely susceptible to fairy magic.

So when Dom made his loud announcement, it got the attention of everyone at the table. 

"Rogue faires have killed three Omegas and a Warrior at the border." Dom calmed himself after realizing he probably burst into a taut moment. "I would like to authorize a team to eradicate the issue."

"Do you know how many rogues it is?" The Gamma asked, now becoming disinterested in his lunch.

"At least two," Dom said. "I would like to take five warriors to be on the safe side."

Of course, Dom would want to lead the party. It's not like the Gamma or Beta would do it. They had grown quite accustomed to the palace life and were not as lean as they once were. They would argue that it was an issue of youth, but considering my father still accompanies Warriors on missions makes me highly doubt that.

"Isn't that a job for our Gamma?" The Luna asked if there was one person she hated more than me. It was him. 

"I am getting old and slow; let Dominic take his Warrior and solve our border issue." That's when it hit me. 

"I would like to volunteer to come along!" I blurted out and started making my way towards Dom.

"No. If you die to the Rogue's, our pack will truly be doomed." The Beta grunted as he rose back to his feet. He was on the ground for a long time, I thought. I swear I didn't even hit him that hard.

"Alpha," I looked towards my father. "I am capable of going, and I promise I will be careful."

"She one of the best we have. Everything I know, she knows." Dom chimed in; he could tell that I would rather die than finish this dinner.

"How long do you anticipate this mission will be?" The old Alpha asked.

"If we leave now, we should be back in two days."

"It should take three days for the Pure Paw Pack to get here. She will be back just in time for them to collect their blushing bride." The Luna remarked. I could feel Dom's eye immediately dart to me. I just gave him a look that said, later.

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