Part 1

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Garcello ' pov :

I sighed dolefully as I made my last puff on my cigarette before dropped it on the ground and smudging it with my shoe. Well I guess break time is over I thought as I made my way through the small doorway which lead to a smallish pub. I breathed in the musty air as I set to work, as I was cleaning the table top I heard the ringing on a bell, which signalled a customer. I looked up to see who it was, it was and it was unusual for someone so young to be here so early. " hey I'd like a beer please" she said, putting some cash on the counter, " hi, so you're new here" I said, taking the cash from her. " yeah I am heh" she said, " well just count yourself lucky that you came at this time and not at 12am, that's when all the junkies come here and get drunk." I said, handing her beer. " thanks" she said, " not at all" I said giving her change, but she resisted " no keep the change" she said. " hey now, you keep and get yourself something" I said, grinning I liked her selfless actions, she was.. Different than the average customer we have here, she was more kinder and patient. After a few moments of bickering over who should keep the change, she won, " hey... I like how loyal you are, everyone else here  was a dickhead, it's such luck that I stumbled upon this pub, I needed something" she said halfway through her beer. " yeah they're a lot of junkies here, but I'm not, i guess I'm the first person you really met" I said, throwing her a packet of salt and vinegar " on the house" I said. " your way too kind" she said, " anything to satisfy a customer" I said, " so um what's your name?" she said, opening the packet of taytos " oh how silly of me, thanks for reminding me," I'm garcello, and may I ask what's yours " I said." I'm Annie " she said, offering me the packet but I refused," nice name, really suits you " I said. " heh thanks, usually people mock me or say that I should be called something like ratbag or s**thead" she said, finishing her beer ", I felt a twinge of sorrow for her, no wonder she needed that beer." well you know I'm always here if you want to talk " I said, taking the glass from her." thanks " she said, looking down
" anytime " I said, cleaning the glass." sorry... I'm just not that used to someone being so nice to me heh" she said after a while. " same here, but I learned to think about the good aspects of life, at least I have a roof over my head and a nice plate of food in front of me... And a nice friend" I said, looking at her. " aww stop your going to make me cry" she said, " hey its OK to let your emotions out" I said handing her a tissue. " thanks" she said, wiping her eyes with the tissue " so we're really friends, like for real?" she said, I nodded " I thank the stars that I met at least one decent person" I said. " I love this pub.... I might come again sometime" she said, " do, it was so nice to see you" I said, " same here, and good luck with those junkies I hope they won't trash the place too much,  it's too nice for mess" she said, getting up off her stool. That somehow tugged on my heart strings, " just don't stay out too late or else those junkies will try and  chat you up" I said, she nooded " well good bye I guess" she said before leaving. I waved at her as she left, leaving peace in her wake, I sighed as I cleaned up some more, I really liked her personality but she was a bit shy but hopefully she'll come out of her shell. I was so happy to have her as a friend, I had this feeling, a sudden tingle feeling that felt right.... I had a friend... I thought as I grinned, well I'm going to make sure that nothing bad happens to her. Cause I can't afford to lose my friend, like what happened to my family...

A//N: so I've seen that there wasn't much of this ship on wattpad so why not do this one qwp, I hoped you enjoyed it, it was fun to write

love you to the moon and back / Annie X garcello Where stories live. Discover now