Part 6

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Annie's pov:

Being with Garcello was the best thing that ever happened to me, it makes me feel like there's more to life than just my family problems. Ever since I ran away from my abusive dad I felt scared and lonely because I had no one to talk to, no uncles or aunties to go to because they all hated my family thanks to my dad for drinking a lot. But ever since I found Garcello, I wasn't scared or afraid for the first time in years I actually felt like I could talk to him about my problems and he wouldn't judge me or see me differently unlike my old friends. They all left me when I told them about my dad and they saw me as a maniac just because my dad was one, ever since then I had problems trusting people but the second I looked at Garcello, I knew I could trust him, he just had this charm that made you immediately like him. And I was the luckiest person alive to end up with him, whenever I think of his cute grin I go crazy, I get butterflies and I blush like crazy. Garcello finds this funny and he flirts with me and I get all angry because I can't handle it and it is funny when it blows over. But I feel like I have to get something off my chest, being in a relationship with someone is that you have to tell them the truth about everything.

I decided to tell him one night, when we were resting on the couch and watching TV. " I love it when when Justin says 'son of a bitch'" said Garcello chuckling to himself, I sighed and hugged a cushion "hey Annie, what's up you look stressed" said Garcello leaning over and tucking my bangs away from my eyes. I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins, I was scared that he was going to stop loving me if I told him the truth but I feel like there may be a possibility that he could understand me. "come on you know you can tell old Garcello anything" he said putting his hand under my chin and lifting my head up so he could see me. I sighed again, I have to do it I took a deep breath "OK so I have to tell you something" I said, my heart beating fast "OK" said Garcello, looking uncertain, oh gosh I can't do this, what if he leaves me? What if he sees me as a physco? But I knew deep down that I had to share this with him because there I had a feeling that he was the right person to talk to. "when I was a little kid, I didn't have the best parents, and by this I mean my dad, most dad's would go to work and spend time with their family. But not my dad.." I paused, I got flashbacks of my dad yelling at me and throwing an empty beer bottle at me but luckily it missed me and broke into little shrads against the wall and me here cowering with fear..." hey... Its OK I'm here "said Garcello breaking my thoughts" oh yeah sorry heh... Well my dad.. He.. Um he used to drink a lot and he would lie around the house drinking and smoking all day. And if my mom tried getting him help, he would be very aggressive and would end up beating my mom, I used to watch them and I was terrified of my dad. I used to hide in my room to avoid making contact with my dad, but my mom was more confident than I was, she decided that that was enough and she decided to move out without me. I clinged to her, crying to take me with her but she just looked at me like I was the alcoholic and not my dad "you seriously think I'm bringing you? Your his daughter and your such a disgrace to have a dad like him, I don't want to have anything related to your dad goodbye" she said, pushing me away and slamming the door. I stayed standing in the doorway, shocked at what had happened, she couldn't possibly leave me? Maybe she'll come back and throw her arms around me and say how sorry she is and how she loves me and will protect me from my dad. So I waited and waited at the doorway but she never came so I gave out and went back to my room. I cried for days after that and I was terrified of my dad. But when I was 16 I decided that I had enough and I moved out and bought my own apartment "I said, breathing fastly because those thoughts were so scary. But I felt like a lot of weight was lifted off my shoulders, I actually felt relieved that I let it all out." Annie.. "said Garcello, oh gosh... I hoped he wasn't mad at me for running away so young, like everyone else has said to me before. But I was surprised when he hugged me" I'm so sorry about your parents, I didn't know you had such a bad childhood, awww well don't worry you'll never be alone again because you have me "he said rubbing my back." really.. Heh... Your not mad at me for running away so young and not helping out my dad "I said" what? No if course not, I would do the same thing if I were you, your so brave Annie and you don't know how proud I am of you "he said. I relaxed my shoulders, he really understands me and I felt like all my problems were gone and I felt so happy and free for once." oh thanks so much for understanding me garc, no one else did, they expected me to help my dad instead of helping myself but I was scared to help him incase he would do anything to me, no one ever got me" I said sighing. "well I do OK and I love you no matter what" he said "Heh.. I love you too" I said.

"hey wanna know something funny" he said when we pulled apart "OK hehe" I said, "I thought you were going to say that you were going to have a baby, like what was going on in my head" he said laughing "oh gosh I would be a terrible mom Heh..." i said awkwardly, I imagined having a kid with Garcello and I blushed. "no I would, I can't get them to stop crying" he said "hey Annie?" he said "yeah?" I said looking up at him " I didn't have a good childhood either so I know what it's like" he said sighing " aw no really? I'm so sorry about that" I said, putting my hand under his chin "don't be, you didn't deserve to have such bad parents, I would love to kick your dad in the balls for ruining your family." Heh please do that "I said smiling at him," hey would you mind telling me what happened to you as a child, if you're comfortable with it "I said. I couldn't believe that he also had a bad childhood too, he really did get me and I got him and I loved him for that." of course I can kitty "he said, rubbing my head " so it all started when.... "he continued on and I sat there as I listened to his sad story about his family. When he finished, I felt so bad for him and I was the one crying, not him and I flew my arms around him, scared that he was going to die any minute." heyyyy, it'll be OK love, I'm OK don't be crying" he said, wiping my tears away "sorry but you're story is so sad, way sader than mine, you didn't deserve to have that happen to your family" I said burying my head into my chest. "well don't worry about them, because we're a family, just the two of us" he said, holding me gently. "awww really dear" I said, smiling up at him "of course we are" he said, stroking my cheek and he leaned into kiss me, I'm glad that he was there for me and I was there for him, I loved him so much and he accepted for what happened to me and my family. And he also had a terrible childhood and I feel so bad for him for losing his family but I couldn't believe when he said that we were a family, if made me feel all light and fuzzy on the inside. Though I'm not sure about having a baby...

A//N: I hoped you enjoyed this chapter more than the last one XD thanks for reading qwq.

love you to the moon and back / Annie X garcello Where stories live. Discover now