A family

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   About 2 months after Edward and I started our honeymoon at home, but then again when would you know where it ever ended, I started to feel weird. Tired, sick to my stomach, hormonal, I had a hunch what it could be but I had to be sure. So I called Kim while Eddy was outside cutting shrubs. 

"June are you sure!?" She exclaimed as she gave me the pregnancy tests she brought over. 

"I don't really know, I just want to be sure one way or another." I said as I went into the down stairs bathroom and took the test, I waited 15 minuets like it said to do and then I flipped it over............and saw two little lines, positive. My gosh. 

"So?" She said as I walked out of the bathroom, I held it up and Kim squealed. 

"Oh my gosh! June! I'm so happy for you and Edward! When are you gonna tell him?" 

"I'm not sure, I don't know how he'll take it...........I mean I know he'll be happy but.......how is all this going to work? I mean when the baby is here.........he can't even hold little him or her, he'll be heartbroken." 

"Yeah I bet.........well maybe you can get him one of those kangaroo shirts?.......I know he'll want to hold his baby sooner or later.........perhaps we can get him hands or some sort." Kim said hopefully. 

"I hope we can, but until then we'll work something out." 

After Kim left I started thinking about ways to tell Edward, I wasn't sure about giving him the positive test as I didn't think he'd understand then I'd have to explain what a pregnancy test is............oh boy.......well he's an adult, I guess I can tell him that way. 

"You did wonderful work out there today lovey." I said planting a kiss on Edward's cheek as he came inside after a full day of working in the garden. 

"Thank you (y/n)." He says as we sit down on our bed. 

"Eddy.........there's something I have to tell you."

"What is it?" He asked shyly in his small voice. 

I held out the positive test and showed it to him. He looked at me then the test, then at me again giving me a blank look. "What is that (y/n)?" 

"Love............its a........pregnancy test." I said slowly gathering my words. He gave me a confused look. "See these two little lines here? Well...........that means that......we are going to have a baby." 

"A baby?" He asked as he gave a cute little smile, I smiled back and nodded I placed a hand just below my abdomen and rubbed it a bit to show him where the baby was. Edward bent down, I lifted up my shirt as he pressed light kisses just below my abdomen, gosh he's such a cutie! 

"Can our baby hear me?" He asked. 

"Well not yet, but its always good to talk to little he or she so they get used to hearing your voice, and where they are big enough they'll give a little kick." Edward smiled and started to talk to the baby. 

"Hello little baby, I know you can't hear me but I love you very much and I can't wait to meet you." He said as he continued to press kisses to my tummy, I ran my fingers through his long black locks massaging his head as he was still giving me kisses. This is going to be perfect!

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