Part 4

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A week later...



Starlight Academy came to devastating ruins on the 5th of August 2017, and it baffles me that even after a week, nobody still knows how the mysterious midnight fire started. People don't want to listen when I say I have my theories. I've always had my theories. And most of them are always centred around a little someone called Jane Anderson.

Or perhaps it's deceptive to call her little. Perhaps it is appropriate to say she's powerful. She's dangerous. She's a lunatic we should all fear. Maybe it's accurate to say that in the current situation we are in.

Starlight Academy has been home to many people for decades. It has been the starting point for most of the famous stars we know today. Lewis Orlando. Jeffery Capaldi. Beatrice Jefferson, and so many more. And it's unbelievable that something as monumental as Starlight Academy can be pulled down to nothing but rubbles and grit in just a day.

And it's all because of her, because of Jane Anderson. Yes, she is alive. I saw her. Spoke to her. Felt her, But I know better than to debate the existence of Jane Camilla Anderson. It is this I did for so many years, and people still refused to believe me. But I believe Jane started the fire because she wanted all of us to die, and it saddens me that I can't give full enclosure to what I mean by this.

But whether or not the truth does come out, I doubt it matters, because what good will unmasking Jane Anderson for who she is do to bring the Academy, and the teenagers back?

We pray every day. I, at least pray every day for the survival of the two unnamed victims. For weeks now, they've been in a comatose state with nothing but a heartbeat as evidence that they're still alive.

I'm scared. I'm numb. I'm running out of hope. They are very dear to me in ways that I cannot even put to words. They gave me my freedom. They made me a survivor, and I believe, it's only fair that they too survive.

Ava Harrison,

the journalist who made a shocking comeback after seventeen years of silence.

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