Chapter 10

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"How come you got to so fat?" Jude asked.

"Mom." I cried. Tears filled my eyes as my mom came in the room.

"He called me fat."

"Honey you are not fat, your pregnant. Jude there's a baby in her belly that's why it's getting bigger. After the baby is born her belly will go back down, okay."

"I'm sorry Jessie." He frowned.

"It's okay buddy."

"Jess we need to get going to see your baby." I wiped my tears away and pulled myself together. Jude grabbed my hands and helped pull me up.

"Thanks bud." He wrapped his arms around me, placing his head against my belly.

"You know we get to find out if you're having a niece or nephew today."

"It's a boy." He smiled.

"What if it's a girl?"

"It's not, he told me so."

"We'll see." I ran my fingers through his hair while my mom came in with her bag.

"Let's go." He let me go and we left to go to my appointment. Ryan had class so he was going to meet us there. Lately I've been having dreams that the baby was girl, so I'm leaning towards it being a girl more. We pulled up to the doctors and I quickly got out. I went inside and signed in before sitting down. My mom came in and took my hand, as I started to shake.

"Calm down everything is going to be fine."

"I need Ryan."

"He will be here soon don't worry." I nodded, resting my hand on my belly trying to calm myself.

"Jessica Taylor." I sighed and got up with the help of my mom as we walked back to the room.

"How are you doing today?"

"I'm nervous and Ryan's running late."

"Is the baby a boy?" Jude asked.

"I don't know should we wait?"

"Let's see how the baby is doing." She nodded and I moved my shirt and unbuttoned my shorts. My mom grabbed my hand making me relax a little bit.

"I'm here." I sighed in relief seeing him. My mom let my hand go as he came over and pecked my lips, before sitting next to me taking my hand.

"Do we know yet?"

"Nope just started."

"Good." I smiled at him then turned back to the screen. The baby was moving and I could hear the faint heartbeat.

"There are the little toes, then the little fingers. Are you guys ready to know what you're having?"


"You are having a little girl." Tears filled my eyes as I turned to Ryan while he just looked at me with the biggest smile. He moved closer and wiped my tears.

"We're having a daughter." I cried.

"Yea, a little girl." He kissed my forehead and we turned back to our little girl. This makes me even more excited for her to be here already. As scared as I am for her to be here, it's exciting.

"Everything is looking good with baby girl."

"Thank you." She handed me the napkins and I cleaned off my belly before fixing my clothes.

"Feeling her kicks yet?"

"A little bit, just little flutters here and there."

"Just wait. I'm sure one day she will punch so hard you will actually see her little fist."

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